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English Sentence Analyser

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     1. art. One; any indefinite example of; used to denote a singular item of a group.
           There was a man here looking for you yesterday.
     2. art. Used in conjunction with the adjectives score, dozen, hundred, thousand, and million, as a function word.
           I've seen it happen a hundred times.
     3. art. One certain or particular; any single.Brown, Lesley, (2003)
           We've received an interesting letter from a Mrs. Miggins of London.
     4. art. The same; one.
           We are of a mind on matters of morals.
     5. art. Any, every; used before a noun which has become modified to limit its scope; also used with a negative to indicate not a single one.Lindberg, Christine A. (2007)
           A man who dies intestate leaves his children troubles and difficulties.
           He fell all that way, and hasn't a bump on his head?
     6. art. Used before plural nouns modified by few, good many, couple, great many, etc.
     7. art. Someone or something like; similar to; Used before a proper noun to create an example out of it.
           The center of the village was becoming a Times Square.
     8. prep. (archaic) To do with position or direction; In, on, at, by, towards, onto.
           Stand a tiptoe.
     9. prep. To do with separation; In, into.
           Torn a pieces.
     10. prep. To do with time; Each, per, in, on, by.
           I brush my teeth twice a day.
     11. prep. (obsolete) To do with method; In, with.
     12. prep. (obsolete) To do with role or capacity; In.
           A God’s name.
     13. prep. To do with status; In.
           King James Bible (II Chronicles 2:18)
             To set the people a worke.
     14. prep. (archaic) To do with process, with a passive verb; In the course of, experiencing.
           1964, Bob Dylan, The Times They Are a-Changin’
             The times, they are a-changin'.
     15. prep. (archaic) To do with an action, an active verb; Engaged in.
           1611, King James Bible, Hebrews 11-21
             Jacob, when he was a dying
     16. prep. (archaic) To do with an action/movement; To, into.
     17. v. (archaic, or slang) Have.
           I'd a come, if you'd a asked.
     18. pron. (obsolete, outside, England, and Scotland dialects) He.
     19. interj. A meaningless syllable; ah.
     20. prep. (archaic, slang) Of.
           The name of John a Gaunt.
     21. adv. (chiefly Scotland) All.
     22. adj. (chiefly Scotland) All.
     1. n. Physical frame.
     2. n.          The physical structure of a human or animal seen as one single organism.
                    I saw them walking from a distance, their bodies strangely angular in the dawn light.
     3. n.          The fleshly or corporeal nature of a human, as opposed to the spirit or soul.
                    The body is driven by desires, but the soul is at peace.
     4. n.          A corpse.
                    Her body was found at four o'clock, just two hours after the murder.
     5. n.          (archaic, or informal except in compounds) A person.
                    What's a body gotta do to get a drink around here?
     6. n. Main section.
     7. n.          The torso, the main structure of a human or animal frame excluding the extremities (limbs, head, tail).
                    The boxer took a blow to the body.
     8. n.          The largest or most important part of anything, as distinct from its appendages or accessories.
                    The bumpers and front tyres were ruined, but the body of the car was in remarkable shape.
     9. n.          (archaic) The section of a dress extending from the neck to the waist, excluding the arms.
                    Penny was in the scullery, pressing the body of her new dress.
     10. n.          The content of a letter, message, or other printed or electronic document, as distinct from signatures, salutations, headers, and so on.
     11. n.          (programming) The code of a subroutine, contrasted to its signature and parameters.
                    In many programming languages, the method body is enclosed in braces.
     12. n. Coherent group.
     13. n.          A group of people having a common purpose or opinion; a mass.
                    I was escorted from the building by a body of armed security guards.
     14. n.          An organisation, company or other authoritative group.
                    The local train operating company is the managing body for this section of track.
     15. n.          A unified collection of details, knowledge or information.
                    We have now amassed a body of evidence which points to one conclusion.
     16. n. Material entity.
     17. n.          Any physical object or material thing.
                    All bodies are held together by internal forces.
     18. n.          Substance; physical presence.
                    We have given body to what was just a vague idea.
     19. n.          Comparative viscosity, solidity or substance (in wine, colours etc.).
                    The red wine, sadly, lacked body.
     20. n.          An agglomeration of some substance, especially one that would be otherwise un.
                    The English Channel is a body of water lying between Great Britain and France.
     21. n. (printing) The shank of a type, or the depth of the shank (by which the size is indicated).
           a nonpareil face on an agate body
     22. n. (geometry) A three-dimensional object, such as a cube or cone.
     23. v. To give body or shape to something.
     24. v. To construct the bodywork of a car.
     25. v. To embody.
     26. v. (transitive, slang) To murder someone.
     27. v. (transitive, slang) To utterly defeat someone.
     28. v. (transitive, slang) to hard counter a particular character build or play style. Frequently used in the passive voice form, get bodied by.
     1. prep. Expressing distance or motion.
     2. prep.          (now obsolete, or dialectal) From (of distance, direction), "off".
     3. prep.          (obsolete except in phrases) Since, from (a given time, earlier state etc.).
     4. prep.          From, away from (a position, number, distance etc.).
                    There are no shops within twenty miles of the cottage.
     5. prep.          (North America, Scotland, Ireland) Before (the hour); to.
                    What's the time? / Nearly a quarter of three.
     6. prep. Expressing separation.
     7. prep.          (Indicating removal, absence or separation, with the action indicated by a transitive verb and the quality or substance by a grammatical object.)
                    Finally she was relieved of the burden of caring for her sick husband.
     8. prep.          (Indicating removal, absence or separation, with resulting state indicated by an adjective.)
                    He seemed devoid of human feelings.
     9. prep.          (obsolete) (Indicating removal, absence or separation, construed with an intransitive verb.)
     10. prep. Expressing origin.
     11. prep.          (Indicating an ancestral source or origin of descent.)
                    The word is believed to be of Japanese origin.
     12. prep.          (Indicating a (non-physical) source of action or emotion; introducing a cause, instigation); from, out of, as an expression of.
                    The invention was born of necessity.
     13. prep.          (following an intransitive verb) (Indicates the source or cause of the verb.)
                    It is said that she died of a broken heart.
     14. prep.          (following an adjective) (Indicates the subject or cause of the adjective.)
                    I am tired of all this nonsense.
     15. prep. Expressing agency.
     16. prep.          (following a passive verb) (Indicates the agent (for most verbs, now usually expressed with by).)
                    I am not particularly enamoured of this idea.
     17. prep.          (Used to introduce the "subjective genitive"; following a noun to form the head of a postmodifying noun phrase) (see also 'Possession' senses below).
                    The contract can be terminated at any time with the agreement of both parties.
     18. prep.          (following an adjective) (Used to indicate the agent of something described by the adjective.)
                    It was very brave of you to speak out like that.
     19. prep. Expressing composition, substance.
     20. prep.          (after a verb expressing construction, making etc.) (Used to indicate the material or substance used.)
                    Many 'corks' are now actually made of plastic.
     21. prep.          (directly following a noun) (Used to indicate the material of the just-mentioned object.)
                    She wore a dress of silk.
     22. prep.          (Indicating the composition of a given collective or quantitative noun.)
                    What a lot of nonsense!
     23. prep.          (Used to link a given class of things with a specific example of that class.)
                   Welcome to the historic town of Harwich.
     24. prep.          (Links two nouns in near-apposition, with the first qualifying the second); "which is also".
                    I'm not driving this wreck of a car.
     25. prep. Introducing subject matter.
     26. prep.          (Links an intransitive verb, or a transitive verb and its subject (especially verbs to do with thinking, feeling, expressing etc.), with its subject-ma
                    I'm always thinking of you.
     27. prep.          (following a noun (now chiefly nouns of knowledge, communication etc.)) (Introduces its subject matter); about, concerning.
                    He told us the story of his journey to India.
     28. prep.          (following an adjective) (Introduces its subject matter.)
                    This behaviour is typical of teenagers.
     29. prep. Having partitive effect.
     30. prep.          (following a number or other quantitive word) (Introduces the whole for which is indicated only the specified part or segment); "from among".
                    Most of these apples are rotten.
     31. prep.          (following a noun) (Indicates a given part.)
     32. prep.          (now archaic, literary, with preceding partitive word assumed, or as a predicate after to be) Some, an amount of, one of.
                    On the whole, they seem to be of the decent sort.
     33. prep.          (Links to a genitive noun or possessive pronoun, with partitive effect (though now often merged with possessive senses, below).)
                    He is a friend of mine.
     34. prep. Expressing possession.
     35. prep.          Belonging to, existing in, or taking place in a given location, place or time. Compare "origin" senses, above.
                    He was perhaps the most famous scientist of the twentieth century.
     36. prep.          Belonging to (a place) through having title, ownership or control over it.
                    The owner of the nightclub was arrested.
     37. prep.          Belonging to (someone or something) as something they possess or have as a characteristic; (the "possessive genitive". (With abstract nouns, this inter
                    Keep the handle of the saucepan away from the flames.
     38. prep. Forming the "objective genitive".
     39. prep.          (Follows an agent noun, verbal noun or noun of action.)
                    She had a profound distrust of the police.
     40. prep. Expressing qualities or characteristics.
     41. prep.          (now archaic, or literary) (Links an adjective with a noun or noun phrase to form a quasi-adverbial qualifier); in respect to, as regards.
                    My companion seemed affable and easy of manner.
     42. prep.          (Indicates a quality or characteristic); "characterized by".
                    Pooh was said to be a bear of very little brain.
     43. prep.          (Indicates quantity, age, price, etc.)
                    We have been paying interest at a rate of 10%.
     44. prep.          (US, informal considered incorrect by some) (Used to link singular indefinite nouns (preceded by the indefinite article) and attributive adjectives mod
                    It's not that big of a deal.
     45. prep. Expressing a point in time.
     46. prep.          (chiefly regional) During the course of (a set period of time, day of the week etc.), now specifically with implied repetition or regularity.
                    Of an evening, we would often go for a stroll along the river.
     47. prep.          (UK dialectal, chiefly in negative constructions) For (a given length of time).
                    I've not tekken her out of a goodly long while.
     48. prep.          (after a noun) (Indicates duration of a state, activity etc.)
                    After a delay of three hours, the plane finally took off.
     1. adj. Moving or advancing at a run.
     2. adj.          Of a horse, having a running gait; not a trotter or pacer.
     3. adj. present, current
           running month
     4. adj. Flowing; easy; cursive.
           running handwriting
     5. adj. Continuous; keeping along step by step.
           a running explanation
     6. adj. (botany) Extending by a slender climbing or trailing stem.
           a running vine
     7. adj. (medicine) Discharging pus.
           a running sore
     8. adj. (of a nose) Discharging snot or mucus.
           a running nose
     9. adv. (informal) consecutively; in a row
           Mom's strawberry jam won the blue ribbon at the Holland County Fair three years running.
     10. n. The action of the verb to run.
           His running of the business leaves something to be desired.
     11. n. The activity of running as a form of exercise, as a sport, or for any other reason
           Running is good exercise.
     12. n. That which runs or flows; the quantity of a liquid which flows in a certain time or during a certain operation.
           the first running of a still
     13. n. The discharge from an ulcer or other sore.
     14. v. present participle of run
          1. v. To move swiftly.
          2. v.          (intransitive) To move forward quickly upon two feet by alternately making a short jump off either foot. (Compare walk.)
                        Run, Sarah, run!
          3. v.          (intransitive) To go at a fast pace, to move quickly.
                        The horse ran the length of the track.  I have been running all over the building looking for him.  Sorry, I've got to run; my house is
          4. v.          To cause to move quickly; to make move lightly.
                        Every day I run my dog across the field and back.  I'll just run the vacuum cleaner over the carpet.  Run your fingers through my hair.
          5. v.          (transitive, or intransitive) To compete in a race.
                        The horse will run the Preakness next year.  I'm not ready to run a marathon.
          6. v.          (intransitive) Of fish, to migrate for spawning.
          7. v.          (intransitive, soccer) To carry a football down the field.
          8. v.          To achieve or perform by running or as if by running.
                        The horse ran a great race.
          9. v.          (intransitive) To flee from a danger or towards help.
                        Whenever things get tough, she cuts and runs.  When he's broke, he runs to me for money.
          10. v.          (transitive, juggling, colloquial) To juggle a pattern continuously, as opposed to starting and stopping quickly.
          11. v. (fluids) To flow.
          12. v.          (intransitive, figuratively) To move or spread quickly.
                        There's a strange story running around the neighborhood.  The flu is running through my daughter's kindergarten.
          13. v.          (intransitive) Of a liquid, to flow.
                        The river runs through the forest.  There's blood running down your leg.
          14. v.          (intransitive) Of an object, to have a liquid flowing from it.
                        Your nose is running.  Why is the hose still running?  My cup runneth over.
          15. v.          To make a liquid flow; to make liquid flow from an object.
                        You'll have to run the water a while before it gets hot.  Run the tap until the water gets hot.
          16. v.          (intransitive) To become liquid; to melt.
          17. v.          (intransitive) To leak or spread in an undesirable fashion; to bleed (especially used of dye or paint).
                        He discovered during washing that the red rug ran on his white sheet, staining it pink.
          18. v.          To fuse; to shape; to mould; to cast.
                        to run bullets
          19. v.          (figurative, transitive) To go through without stopping, usually illegally.
                        run a red light or stop sign;  run a blockade
          20. v. (nautical, of a vessel) To sail before the wind, in distinction from reaching or sailing close-hauled.
          21. v. (social) To carry out an activity.
          22. v.          To control or manage, be in charge of.
                        My uncle ran a corner store for forty years.  She runs the fundraising.  My parents think they run my life.  He is running an expe
          23. v.          (intransitive) To be a candidate in an election.
                        I have decided to run for governor of California.  We're trying to find somebody to run against him next year.
          24. v.          To make run in a race or an election.
                        He ran his best horse in the Derby.  The Green Party is running twenty candidates in this election.
          25. v.          To exert continuous activity; to proceed.
                        to run through life;  to run in a circle
          26. v.          (intransitive) To be presented in one of the media.
                        The story will run on the 6-o'clock news.  The latest Robin Williams movie is running at the Silver City theatre.  Her picture ran on t
          27. v.          To print or broadcast in the media.
                        run a story;  run an ad
          28. v.          To transport someone or something.
                        Could you run me over to the store?  Please run this report upstairs to director's office.
          29. v.          To smuggle illegal goods.
                        to run guns;  to run rum
          30. v.          (transitive, agriculture) To sort through a large volume of produce in quality control.
                        Looks like we're gonna have to run the tomatoes again.
          31. v. To extend or persist, statically or dynamically, through space or time.
          32. v.          (intransitive) To extend in space or through a range (often with a measure phrase).
                        The border runs for 3000 miles.  The leash runs along a wire.  The grain of the wood runs to the right on this table.  It ran in q
          33. v.          (intransitive) To extend in time, to last, to continue (usually with a measure phrase).
                        The sale will run for ten days.  The contract runs through 2008.  The meeting ran late.  The book runs 655 pages.  The speech
          34. v.          To make something extend in space.
                        I need to run this wire along the wall.
          35. v.          (intransitive) Of a machine, including computer programs, to be operating or working normally.
                        My car stopped running.  That computer runs twenty-four hours a day.  Buses don't run here on Sunday.
          36. v.          To make a machine operate.
                        It's full. You can run the dishwasher now.  Don't run the engine so fast.
          37. v. To execute or carry out a plan, procedure or program.
                They ran twenty blood tests on me and they still don't know what's wrong.  Our coach had us running plays for the whole practice.  I will run the sample.  Don't run that software
          38. v. To pass or go quickly in thought or conversation.
                to run from one subject to another
          39. v. (copulative) To become different in a way mentioned (usually to become worse).
                Our supplies are running low.  They frequently overspent and soon ran into debt.
          40. v. To cost a large amount of money.
                Buying a new laptop will run you a thousand dollars.  Laptops run about a thousand dollars apiece.
          41. v. (intransitive) Of stitches or stitched clothing, to unravel.
                My stocking is running.
          42. v. To pursue in thought; to carry in contemplation.
          43. v. To cause to enter; to thrust.
                to run a sword into or through the body;  to run a nail into one's foot
          44. v. To drive or force; to cause, or permit, to be driven.
          45. v. To cause to be drawn; to mark out; to indicate; to determine.
                to run a line
          46. v. To encounter or incur (a danger or risk).
                to run the risk of losing one's life
          47. v. To put at hazard; to venture; to risk.
          48. v. To tease with sarcasms and ridicule.
          49. v. To sew (a seam) by passing the needle through material in a continuous line, generally taking a series of stitches on the needle at the same time.
          50. v. To control or have precedence in a card game.
                Every three or four hands he would run the table.
          51. v. To be in form thus, as a combination of words.
          52. v. (archaic) To be popularly known; to be generally received.
          53. v. To have growth or development.
                Boys and girls run up rapidly.
          54. v. To tend, as to an effect or consequence; to incline.
          55. v. To have a legal course; to be attached; to continue in force, effect, or operation; to follow; to go in company.
                Certain covenants run with the land.
          56. v. (golf) To strike (the ball) in such a way as to cause it to run along the ground, as when approaching a hole.
          57. v. (video games) To speedrun.
          58. v. past participle of rin
          59. n. Act or instance of running, of moving rapidly using the feet.
                I just got back from my morning run.
          60. n. Act or instance of hurrying (to or from a place) (not necessarily by foot); dash or errand, trip.
                I need to make a run to the store.
     1. n. A substance (of molecular formula H₂O) found at room temperature and pressure as a clear liquid; it is present naturally as rain, and found in rivers, lakes and seas; its solid form is ice and its gas
           By the action of electricity, the water was resolved into its two parts, oxygen and hydrogen.
     2. n.          (in particular) The liquid form of this substance: liquid H₂O.
                   May I have a glass of water?
                   Your plants need more water.
     3. n.          A serving of liquid water.
     4. n. (alchemy, philosophy) The aforementioned liquid, considered one of the Classical elements or basic elements of alchemy.
           He showed me the river of living water, sparkling like crystal, flowing from the throne of God.
     5. n. (or in the plural) Water in a body; an area of open water.
           The boat was found within the territorial waters.
           These seals are a common sight in the coastal waters of Chile.
     6. n. (poetic, archaic, or dialectal) A body of water, almost always a river.
     7. n. A combination of water and other substance(s).
     8. n.          (sometimes ) Mineral water.
                   Perrier is the most popular water in this restaurant.
     9. n.          (often, in the plural) Spa water.
                   Many people visit Bath to take the waters.
     10. n.          (pharmacy) A solution in water of a gaseous or readily volatile substance.
                   ammonia water
     11. n.          Urine.
     12. n.          Amniotic fluid; used only in the plural in the UK but often also in the singular in North America, especially to avoid cacophony, as in this example: (
                   Before the child is born, the pregnant woman’s water breaks. (North America)
                   Before your child is born, your water(s) will break. (North America)
                   Before the child is born, the pregnant woman’s waters break. (UK)
     13. n.          (colloquial, medicine) Fluids in the body, especially when causing swelling.
                   He suffers from water on the knee.
     14. n. (figuratively, in the or in the singular) A state of affairs; conditions; usually with an adjective indicating an adverse condition.
           The rough waters of change will bring about the calm after the storm.
     15. n. (colloquial, figuratively) A person's intuition.
           I know he'll succeed. I feel it in my waters.
     16. n. (dated, finance) Excess valuation of securities.
     17. n. The limpidity and lustre of a precious stone, especially a diamond.
           a diamond of the first water is perfectly pure and transparent
     18. n. A wavy, lustrous pattern or decoration such as is imparted to linen, silk, metals, etc.
     19. v. To pour water into the soil surrounding (plants).
     20. v. To wet or supply with water; to moisten; to overflow with water; to irrigate.
     21. v. To provide (animals) with water for drinking.
           I need to go water the cattle.
     22. v. (intransitive) To get or take in water.
           The ship put into port to water.
     23. v. (transitive, colloquial) To urinate onto.
           Nature called, so I stepped into the woods and watered a tree.
     24. v. To dilute.
           Can you water the whisky, please?
     25. v. (transitive, dated, finance) To overvalue (securities), especially through deceptive accounting.
     26. v. (intransitive) To fill with or secrete water.
           Chopping onions makes my eyes water.
           The smell of fried onions makes my mouth water.
     27. v. To wet and calender, as cloth, so as to impart to it a lustrous appearance in wavy lines; to diversify with wavelike lines.
           to water silk
     1. adj. comparative form of small: more small
     2. adv. comparative form of small: more small
     1. conj. (obsolete, outside, dialects, usually used with for) Because; for.
     2. conj. Used in comparisons, to introduce the basis of comparison.
           she's taller than I am;  she found his advice more witty than helpful;  we have less work today than we had yesterday;  it's bigger than I thought it was
     3. prep. introduces a comparison, and is associated with comparatives, and with words such as more, less, and fewer. Typically, it seeks to measure the force of an adjective or similar description between two
           Patients diagnosed more recently are probably surviving an average of longer than two years.
     4. adv. (now chiefly dialectal) At that time; then.
     1. art. One; any indefinite example of; used to denote a singular item of a group.
           There was a man here looking for you yesterday.
     2. art. Used in conjunction with the adjectives score, dozen, hundred, thousand, and million, as a function word.
           I've seen it happen a hundred times.
     3. art. One certain or particular; any single.Brown, Lesley, (2003)
           We've received an interesting letter from a Mrs. Miggins of London.
     4. art. The same; one.
           We are of a mind on matters of morals.
     5. art. Any, every; used before a noun which has become modified to limit its scope; also used with a negative to indicate not a single one.Lindberg, Christine A. (2007)
           A man who dies intestate leaves his children troubles and difficulties.
           He fell all that way, and hasn't a bump on his head?
     6. art. Used before plural nouns modified by few, good many, couple, great many, etc.
     7. art. Someone or something like; similar to; Used before a proper noun to create an example out of it.
           The center of the village was becoming a Times Square.
     8. prep. (archaic) To do with position or direction; In, on, at, by, towards, onto.
           Stand a tiptoe.
     9. prep. To do with separation; In, into.
           Torn a pieces.
     10. prep. To do with time; Each, per, in, on, by.
           I brush my teeth twice a day.
     11. prep. (obsolete) To do with method; In, with.
     12. prep. (obsolete) To do with role or capacity; In.
           A God’s name.
     13. prep. To do with status; In.
           King James Bible (II Chronicles 2:18)
             To set the people a worke.
     14. prep. (archaic) To do with process, with a passive verb; In the course of, experiencing.
           1964, Bob Dylan, The Times They Are a-Changin’
             The times, they are a-changin'.
     15. prep. (archaic) To do with an action, an active verb; Engaged in.
           1611, King James Bible, Hebrews 11-21
             Jacob, when he was a dying
     16. prep. (archaic) To do with an action/movement; To, into.
     17. v. (archaic, or slang) Have.
           I'd a come, if you'd a asked.
     18. pron. (obsolete, outside, England, and Scotland dialects) He.
     19. interj. A meaningless syllable; ah.
     20. prep. (archaic, slang) Of.
           The name of John a Gaunt.
     21. adv. (chiefly Scotland) All.
     22. adj. (chiefly Scotland) All.
     1. n. A large and often winding stream which drains a land mass, carrying water down from higher areas to a lower point, ending at an ocean or in an inland sea.
           Occasionally rivers overflow their banks and cause floods.
     2. n. Any large flow of a liquid in a single body.
           a river of blood
     3. n. (poker) The last card dealt in a hand.
     4. n. (typography) A visually undesirable effect of white space running down a page, caused by spaces between words on consecutive lines happening to coincide.
     5. v. (poker) To improve one’s hand to beat another player on the final card in a poker game.
           Johnny rivered me by drawing that ace of spades.
     6. n. One who rives or splits.
     1. art. One; any indefinite example of; used to denote a singular item of a group.
           There was a man here looking for you yesterday.
     2. art. Used in conjunction with the adjectives score, dozen, hundred, thousand, and million, as a function word.
           I've seen it happen a hundred times.
     3. art. One certain or particular; any single.Brown, Lesley, (2003)
           We've received an interesting letter from a Mrs. Miggins of London.
     4. art. The same; one.
           We are of a mind on matters of morals.
     5. art. Any, every; used before a noun which has become modified to limit its scope; also used with a negative to indicate not a single one.Lindberg, Christine A. (2007)
           A man who dies intestate leaves his children troubles and difficulties.
           He fell all that way, and hasn't a bump on his head?
     6. art. Used before plural nouns modified by few, good many, couple, great many, etc.
     7. art. Someone or something like; similar to; Used before a proper noun to create an example out of it.
           The center of the village was becoming a Times Square.
     8. prep. (archaic) To do with position or direction; In, on, at, by, towards, onto.
           Stand a tiptoe.
     9. prep. To do with separation; In, into.
           Torn a pieces.
     10. prep. To do with time; Each, per, in, on, by.
           I brush my teeth twice a day.
     11. prep. (obsolete) To do with method; In, with.
     12. prep. (obsolete) To do with role or capacity; In.
           A God’s name.
     13. prep. To do with status; In.
           King James Bible (II Chronicles 2:18)
             To set the people a worke.
     14. prep. (archaic) To do with process, with a passive verb; In the course of, experiencing.
           1964, Bob Dylan, The Times They Are a-Changin’
             The times, they are a-changin'.
     15. prep. (archaic) To do with an action, an active verb; Engaged in.
           1611, King James Bible, Hebrews 11-21
             Jacob, when he was a dying
     16. prep. (archaic) To do with an action/movement; To, into.
     17. v. (archaic, or slang) Have.
           I'd a come, if you'd a asked.
     18. pron. (obsolete, outside, England, and Scotland dialects) He.
     19. interj. A meaningless syllable; ah.
     20. prep. (archaic, slang) Of.
           The name of John a Gaunt.
     21. adv. (chiefly Scotland) All.
     22. adj. (chiefly Scotland) All.
     1. adj. Not large or big; insignificant; few in number.
           A small serving of ice cream.
           A small group.
           He made us all feel small.
     2. adj. (figuratively) Young, as a child.
           Remember when the children were small?
     3. adj. (writing, incomparable) Minuscule or lowercase, referring to written letters.
     4. adj. Envincing little worth or ability; not large-minded; paltry; mean.
     5. adj. Not prolonged in duration; not extended in time; short.
           a small space of time
     6. adj. topics, en, Size
     7. adv. In a small fashion.
     8. adv. In or into small pieces.
     9. adv. (obsolete) To a small extent.
     10. n. (rare) Any part of something that is smaller or slimmer than the rest, now usually with anatomical reference to the back.
     11. v. (obsolete, transitive) To make little or less.
     12. v. (intransitive) To become small; to dwindle.
     1. n. A small river; a large creek; a body of moving water confined by banks.
     2. n. A thin connected passing of a liquid through a lighter gas (e.g. air).
           He poured the milk in a thin stream from the jug to the glass.
     3. n. Any steady flow or succession of material, such as water, air, radio signal or words.
           Her constant nagging was to him a stream of abuse.
     4. n. (sciences, umbrella term) All moving waters.
     5. n. (computing) A source or repository of data that can be read or written only sequentially.
     6. n. (figurative) A particular path, channel, division, or way of proceeding.
           Haredi Judaism is a stream of Orthodox Judaism characterized by rejection of modern secular culture.
     7. n. (education) A division of a school year by perceived ability.
           All of the bright kids went into the A stream, but I was in the B stream.
     8. v. (intransitive) To flow in a continuous or steady manner, like a liquid.
     9. v. To extend; to stretch out with a wavy motion; to float in the wind.
           A flag streams in the wind.
     10. v. (Internet) To push continuous data (e.g. music) from a server to a client computer while it is being used (played) on the client.
Dictionary entries from Wiktionary