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English Sentence Analyser

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     1. art. One; any indefinite example of; used to denote a singular item of a group.
           There was a man here looking for you yesterday.
     2. art. Used in conjunction with the adjectives score, dozen, hundred, thousand, and million, as a function word.
           I've seen it happen a hundred times.
     3. art. One certain or particular; any single.Brown, Lesley, (2003)
           We've received an interesting letter from a Mrs. Miggins of London.
     4. art. The same; one.
           We are of a mind on matters of morals.
     5. art. Any, every; used before a noun which has become modified to limit its scope; also used with a negative to indicate not a single one.Lindberg, Christine A. (2007)
           A man who dies intestate leaves his children troubles and difficulties.
           He fell all that way, and hasn't a bump on his head?
     6. art. Used before plural nouns modified by few, good many, couple, great many, etc.
     7. art. Someone or something like; similar to; Used before a proper noun to create an example out of it.
           The center of the village was becoming a Times Square.
     8. prep. (archaic) To do with position or direction; In, on, at, by, towards, onto.
           Stand a tiptoe.
     9. prep. To do with separation; In, into.
           Torn a pieces.
     10. prep. To do with time; Each, per, in, on, by.
           I brush my teeth twice a day.
     11. prep. (obsolete) To do with method; In, with.
     12. prep. (obsolete) To do with role or capacity; In.
           A God’s name.
     13. prep. To do with status; In.
           King James Bible (II Chronicles 2:18)
             To set the people a worke.
     14. prep. (archaic) To do with process, with a passive verb; In the course of, experiencing.
           1964, Bob Dylan, The Times They Are a-Changin’
             The times, they are a-changin'.
     15. prep. (archaic) To do with an action, an active verb; Engaged in.
           1611, King James Bible, Hebrews 11-21
             Jacob, when he was a dying
     16. prep. (archaic) To do with an action/movement; To, into.
     17. v. (archaic, or slang) Have.
           I'd a come, if you'd a asked.
     18. pron. (obsolete, outside, England, and Scotland dialects) He.
     19. interj. A meaningless syllable; ah.
     20. prep. (archaic, slang) Of.
           The name of John a Gaunt.
     21. adv. (chiefly Scotland) All.
     22. adj. (chiefly Scotland) All.
     1. adj. Related to Europe or the European Union.
     2. adj. (AU, dated) Of the white ethnicity.
           Stamps like this were common on furniture made in Australia in the first half of last century, when there were a number of Chinese furniture makers in Australia who were seen as competition to
     3. adj. (finance) (of an option, not comparable) Can be exercised only at the expiry date.
     4. n. person living or originating from Europe
     5. n. person who resides within the European Union
     1. n. A bird having a melodious song or call.
     1. prep. Expressing distance or motion.
     2. prep.          (now obsolete, or dialectal) From (of distance, direction), "off".
     3. prep.          (obsolete except in phrases) Since, from (a given time, earlier state etc.).
     4. prep.          From, away from (a position, number, distance etc.).
                    There are no shops within twenty miles of the cottage.
     5. prep.          (North America, Scotland, Ireland) Before (the hour); to.
                    What's the time? / Nearly a quarter of three.
     6. prep. Expressing separation.
     7. prep.          (Indicating removal, absence or separation, with the action indicated by a transitive verb and the quality or substance by a grammatical object.)
                    Finally she was relieved of the burden of caring for her sick husband.
     8. prep.          (Indicating removal, absence or separation, with resulting state indicated by an adjective.)
                    He seemed devoid of human feelings.
     9. prep.          (obsolete) (Indicating removal, absence or separation, construed with an intransitive verb.)
     10. prep. Expressing origin.
     11. prep.          (Indicating an ancestral source or origin of descent.)
                    The word is believed to be of Japanese origin.
     12. prep.          (Indicating a (non-physical) source of action or emotion; introducing a cause, instigation); from, out of, as an expression of.
                    The invention was born of necessity.
     13. prep.          (following an intransitive verb) (Indicates the source or cause of the verb.)
                    It is said that she died of a broken heart.
     14. prep.          (following an adjective) (Indicates the subject or cause of the adjective.)
                    I am tired of all this nonsense.
     15. prep. Expressing agency.
     16. prep.          (following a passive verb) (Indicates the agent (for most verbs, now usually expressed with by).)
                    I am not particularly enamoured of this idea.
     17. prep.          (Used to introduce the "subjective genitive"; following a noun to form the head of a postmodifying noun phrase) (see also 'Possession' senses below).
                    The contract can be terminated at any time with the agreement of both parties.
     18. prep.          (following an adjective) (Used to indicate the agent of something described by the adjective.)
                    It was very brave of you to speak out like that.
     19. prep. Expressing composition, substance.
     20. prep.          (after a verb expressing construction, making etc.) (Used to indicate the material or substance used.)
                    Many 'corks' are now actually made of plastic.
     21. prep.          (directly following a noun) (Used to indicate the material of the just-mentioned object.)
                    She wore a dress of silk.
     22. prep.          (Indicating the composition of a given collective or quantitative noun.)
                    What a lot of nonsense!
     23. prep.          (Used to link a given class of things with a specific example of that class.)
                   Welcome to the historic town of Harwich.
     24. prep.          (Links two nouns in near-apposition, with the first qualifying the second); "which is also".
                    I'm not driving this wreck of a car.
     25. prep. Introducing subject matter.
     26. prep.          (Links an intransitive verb, or a transitive verb and its subject (especially verbs to do with thinking, feeling, expressing etc.), with its subject-ma
                    I'm always thinking of you.
     27. prep.          (following a noun (now chiefly nouns of knowledge, communication etc.)) (Introduces its subject matter); about, concerning.
                    He told us the story of his journey to India.
     28. prep.          (following an adjective) (Introduces its subject matter.)
                    This behaviour is typical of teenagers.
     29. prep. Having partitive effect.
     30. prep.          (following a number or other quantitive word) (Introduces the whole for which is indicated only the specified part or segment); "from among".
                    Most of these apples are rotten.
     31. prep.          (following a noun) (Indicates a given part.)
     32. prep.          (now archaic, literary, with preceding partitive word assumed, or as a predicate after to be) Some, an amount of, one of.
                    On the whole, they seem to be of the decent sort.
     33. prep.          (Links to a genitive noun or possessive pronoun, with partitive effect (though now often merged with possessive senses, below).)
                    He is a friend of mine.
     34. prep. Expressing possession.
     35. prep.          Belonging to, existing in, or taking place in a given location, place or time. Compare "origin" senses, above.
                    He was perhaps the most famous scientist of the twentieth century.
     36. prep.          Belonging to (a place) through having title, ownership or control over it.
                    The owner of the nightclub was arrested.
     37. prep.          Belonging to (someone or something) as something they possess or have as a characteristic; (the "possessive genitive". (With abstract nouns, this inter
                    Keep the handle of the saucepan away from the flames.
     38. prep. Forming the "objective genitive".
     39. prep.          (Follows an agent noun, verbal noun or noun of action.)
                    She had a profound distrust of the police.
     40. prep. Expressing qualities or characteristics.
     41. prep.          (now archaic, or literary) (Links an adjective with a noun or noun phrase to form a quasi-adverbial qualifier); in respect to, as regards.
                    My companion seemed affable and easy of manner.
     42. prep.          (Indicates a quality or characteristic); "characterized by".
                    Pooh was said to be a bear of very little brain.
     43. prep.          (Indicates quantity, age, price, etc.)
                    We have been paying interest at a rate of 10%.
     44. prep.          (US, informal considered incorrect by some) (Used to link singular indefinite nouns (preceded by the indefinite article) and attributive adjectives mod
                    It's not that big of a deal.
     45. prep. Expressing a point in time.
     46. prep.          (chiefly regional) During the course of (a set period of time, day of the week etc.), now specifically with implied repetition or regularity.
                    Of an evening, we would often go for a stroll along the river.
     47. prep.          (UK dialectal, chiefly in negative constructions) For (a given length of time).
                    I've not tekken her out of a goodly long while.
     48. prep.          (after a noun) (Indicates duration of a state, activity etc.)
                    After a delay of three hours, the plane finally took off.
     1. art. Definite grammatical article that implies necessarily that an entity it articulates is presupposed; something already mentioned, or completely specified later in that same sentence, or assumed already
           I’m reading the book. (Compare I’m reading a book.)
           The street in front of your house. (Compare A street in Paris.)
           The men and women watched the man give the birdseed to the bird.
     2. art.          Used before a noun modified by a restrictive relative clause, indicating that the noun refers to a single referent defined by the relative clause.
                    The street that runs through my hometown.
     3. art. Used before an object considered to be unique, or of which there is only one at a time.
           No one knows how many galaxies there are in the universe.
           God save the Queen!
     4. art. Used before a superlative or an ordinal number modifying a noun, to indicate that the noun refers to a single item.
           That was the best apple pie ever.
     5. art.          Added to a superlative or an ordinal number to make it into a substantive.
                    That apple pie was the best.
     6. art. Introducing a singular term to be taken generically: preceding a name of something standing for a whole class.
     7. art. Used before an adjective, indicating all things (especially persons) described by that adjective.
           Feed the hungry, clothe the naked, comfort the afflicted, and afflict the comfortable.
     8. art. Used to indicate a certain example of (a noun) which is usually of most concern or most common or familiar.
           No one in the whole country had seen it before.
           I don't think I'll get to it until the morning.
     9. art. Used before a body part (especially of someone previously mentioned), as an alternative to a possessive pronoun.
           A stone hit him on the head. (= “A stone hit him on his head.”)
     10. art. When stressed, indicates that it describes an object which is considered to be best or exclusively worthy of attention.
           That is the hospital to go to for heart surgery.
     11. adv. 1=With a comparative ormore and a verb phrase, establishes a parallel with one or more other such comparatives.
           The hotter the better.
           The more I think about it, the weaker it looks.
           The more money donated, the more books purchased, and the more happy children.
           It looks weaker and weaker, the more I think about it.
     12. adv. 1=With a comparative, and often withfor it, indicates a result more like said comparative. This can be negated withnone.
           It was a difficult time, but I’m the wiser for it.
           It was a difficult time, and I’m none the wiser for it.
           I'm much the wiser for having had a difficult time like that.
     1. n. A group of people who are closely related to one another (by blood, marriage or adoption); kin; for example, a set of parents and their children; an immediate family.
           Our family lives in town.
     2. n. An extended family; a group of people who are related to one another by blood or marriage.
     3. n. A (close-knit) group of people related by blood, friendship, marriage, law, or custom, especially if they live or work together.
           crime family, Mafia family
           This is my fraternity family at the university.
           Our company is one big happy family.
     4. n. (taxonomy) A rank in the classification of organisms, below order and above genus; a taxon at that rank.
           Magnolias belong to the family Magnoliaceae.
     5. n. Any group or aggregation of things classed together as kindred or related from possessing in common characteristics which distinguish them from other things of the same order.
           Doliracetam is a drug from the racetam family.
     6. n. (music) A group of instruments having the same basic method of tone production.
           the brass family;  the violin family
     7. n. (linguistics) A group of languages believed to have descended from the same ancestral language.
           the Indo-European language family;  the Afro-Asiatic language family
     8. n. Used attributively.
           The dog was kept as a family pet.
           For Apocynaceae, this type of flower is a family characteristic.
     9. adj. Suitable for children and adults.
           It's not good for a date, it's a family restaurant.
           Some animated movies are not just for kids, they are family movies.
     10. adj. Conservative, traditional.
           The cultural struggle is for the survival of family values against all manner of atheistic amorality.
     11. adj. (slang) Homosexual.
           I knew he was family when I first met him.
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