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Common Portuguese Words

A list of the most common Portuguese words ordered by their frequency of use. You can use this list to learn words efficiently, ensuring you cover the basic vocabulary of Portuguese.

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1 que
     1. conj. that (connecting noun clause)
     2. conj. that (introducing the result of the main clause)
           Está tão frio que os canos congelaram. - It is so cold that the pipes froze
     3. conj. than (used in comparisons, to introduce the basis of comparison)
           O inverno é mais frio que o verão. - Winter is colder than summer.
2 o
     1. art. the masculine singular definite article
     2. pron. him, it (as a direct object; as an indirect object, see lhe; after prepositions, see ele)
3 a  ©
     1. n-m. alt sp-lite, á
     2. art. feminine singular of o
     3. pron. her, it (as a direct object; as an indirect object, see lhe; after prepositions, see ela)
           Encontrei-a na rua. - I met her/it on the street.
     4. prep. to, introduces the indirect object
4 não  ©
     1. adv. (preceding verbs or adverbs) not; do not; have not (negates the meaning of the verb or adverb)
           Eu não li esse livro. - I haven’t read that book.
           Por favor, não faça isso. - Please, don’t do that.
     2. adv.          (preceding verbs) used in sentences containing a negative pronoun as the object; see double negative
                   Eu não fiz nada. - I didn’t do nothing.
5 de
     1. prep. of (in relation to)
           os amigos dele - the friends of him
     2. prep.          of (forms compounds; often untranslated)
                   fones de ouvido - phones of ear
                   acampamento de verão - summer camp
6 é
     1. v. verb form of ser
     2. interj. that’s right; yes; yeah; indicates agreement
           É, eu fiz isso. - Yeah, I did that.
     3. interj. erm; um; used in hesitant speech
           É... você... quer sair comigo? - Um... do you... wanna go out with me?
          1. v. (copulative) to be (to have the given quality), especially a quality that is intrinsic or not expected to change, contrasting with estar which denotes a temporary quality
          2. v. to be (to be an example or type of, or the same as)
7 e  ©
     1. conj. and (connects two clauses indicating that the events occurred together, one after the other or without any special implication)
           Eu vim e eles saíram. - I came and they left.
     2. conj. and (connects the last and penultimate elements in a list)
           Eu e ele vamos embora. - He and I are going away.
           Tenho quatro frutas: uma maçã, uma pera, uma laranja e uma uva. - I have four fruits: an apple, a pear, an orange and a grape.
8 um  ©
     1. num. one
           Uma xícara de café - One cup of coffee
     2. art. (indefinite) a, an
           Um carro, uma casa. - A car, a house.
     3. art.          (in the plural) some; a few (a small number of)
9 para
     1. prep. for (directed at, intended to belong to or to be appropriate for)
           Ração para gatos. - Food for cats.
           O que é bom para gripe? - What is good for the flu?
     2. prep. indicates application of an adjective; to
     3. prep. to; so; in order to (indicates purpose)
          1. v. to stop (to no longer move)
          2. v. to stop (to no longer progress or do something)
          3. v. to stop (to cause something to no longer move)
10 eu  ©
     1. pron. I (first-person singular personal pronoun)
     2. pron. (Brazil, nonstandard, highly, proscribed) first-person singular prepositional pronoun; me
     3. n-m. (chiefly philosophy) ego; self (individual person as the object of his own reflective consciousness)
     4. interj. Used to draw attention to oneself after having their name called.
           Dr. Hélio? – Eu! - Dr. Hélio? – Here!
11 se
     1. pron. (third-person singular and plural reflexive pronoun); himself; herself; itself; themself; themselves
           Ela se viu no espelho. - She saw herself in the mirror.
     2. pron. (informal, Brazil) (first-person singular reflexive pronoun); myself
           Eu se apresentei no teatro. - I performed myself at the theater.
     3. pron. (third-person singular and plural reciprocal pronoun); each other; one another
12 me
     1. pron. first-person singular objective direct personal pronoun; me
           Meus amigos me ligaram. - My friends called me.
     2. pron. first-person singular objective indirect personal pronoun; (to) me
           Dê-me o copo. - Give me the glass.
     3. pron. first-person singular reflexive pronoun; myself
13 uma
     1. num. feminine of um
     2. art. feminine singular of um
     3. pron. feminine of um
          1. num. one
          2. art. (indefinite) a, an
          3. art.          (in the plural) some; a few (a small number of)
14 está
     1. v. verb form of estar
           It's time to test our talents in the real world, don't you think?
          1. v. (indtr, em, -another locational preposition) to be (indicates location in space)
          2. v. (copulative) to be (denotes a transient quality; a quality expected to change)
15 com
     1. prep. with; against
           Lutamos com os nossos inimigos. - We fight against our enemies.
     2. prep. with; alongside; together with (in the company of)
           Lutamos com os nossos amigos. - We fight alongside our friends.
     3. prep. with (as a part or accessory of)
16 do
     1. contraction. contraction of de
17 por
     1. prep. for (on behalf of)
           Faça isso por mim. - Do that for me.
     2. prep. for (in order to obtain)
           Espero por uma resposta. - I wait for an answer.
           Eu farei de tudo por uma cópia deste livro. - I will do anything for a copy of this book.
18 te
     1. pron. (object pronoun) you
           Matar-te-ei; Te matarei; - I will kill you.
     2. pron. particle of spontaneity, when it indicates that there was spontaneity in the action by its agent.
           Vais-te muito cedo. - You leave too soon.
19 os
     1. art. masculine plural of o
     2. pron. third-person plural direct objective personal pronoun; them
           Encontrei-os na rua. - I met them at the street.
     3. n. plural of o
          1. art. the masculine singular definite article
          2. pron. him, it (as a direct object; as an indirect object, see lhe; after prepositions, see ele)
20 em
     1. prep. in; inside; within (contained by)
           Estou em minha casa. - I’m in my house.
           Encontraram umas moedas no baú. - They found some coins inside the chest.
     2. prep. on; on top of (located just above the surface of)
           O livro está na mesa. - The book is on the table.
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