o |
1. art. the masculine singular definite article |
2. pron. him, it (as a direct object; as an indirect object, see lhe; after prepositions, see ele) |
dinheiro |
1. n-m. money (means of exchange and measure of value) |
2. n-m. (historical) a coin used from the 12th to the 15th century in Portugal |
não |
1. adv. (preceding verbs or adverbs) not; do not; have not (negates the meaning of the verb or adverb) |
2. adv. (preceding verbs) used in sentences containing a negative pronoun as the object; see double negative |
3. adv. (Brazil, colloquial, following verb phrases) used to emphasise or reinforce (in the case that there is a previous unstressed adverb não, see abo |
4. adv. (beginning questions) isn't (used to ask whether a person agrees with the proposition, rather than to ask for an unknown fact) |
5. adv. (preceding adjectives, usually hyphenated) non- (forms antonyms of adjectives) |
6. adv. (as a sentence-final parenthesis) isn't it? right? (tag question) |
7. interj. no (used to show disagreement or negation) |
8. interj. no (used to show agreement with a negative question) |
9. n-m. no (a negative answer) |
é |
1. v. verb form of ser |
2. interj. that’s right; yes; yeah; indicates agreement |
3. interj. erm; um; used in hesitant speech |
ser |
1. v. (copulative) to be (to have the given quality), especially a quality that is intrinsic or not expected to change, contrasting with estar which denotes a temporary quality |
2. v. to be (to be an example or type of, or the same as) |
3. v. (auxiliary) to be (forms the passive voice) |
4. v. (impersonal) to be (indicates a point in time) |
5. v. (indtr, em, -another locational preposition) to be in (to be located in) |
6. v. (indtr, de) to be from (to have as one’s place of origin) |
7. v. (indtr, de) to be (someone’s); to belong to |
8. v. (indtr, para, aux=personal infinitive, .transitive, .or) to be for; to be to (to have as its purpose) |
9. v. (indtr, para, .impersonal, aux=personal infinitive) to be supposed to; should (introduces an expected or demanded action) |
10. v. to be; to cost (to be worth a given amount of money) |
11. v. to happen; to take place; to occur |
12. v. (indtr, por, a favor de, contra) to be against or in favour of |
13. v. (poetic, intransitive) to exist; to be |
14. v. (impersonal, transitive) used for emphasis |
15. n-m. being (a living creature) |
tudo |
1. pron. everything (all the things) |
2. pron. (figurative) everything that is essential |
3. pron. everyone; all (all people in general or in a specific group) |
4. det. (Brazil, informal, colloquial) every; all |
5. n-m. everything that exists |