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Portuguese Sentence of the Day


Britânico afirma que raça pode ser usada para farejar narcóticos


Britain affirms this breed can be used to sniff out narcotics.


     1. adj. British
     2. n-m. Briton (male)
     1. v. verb form of afirmar
          1. v. (indtr, que) to state; to declare; to affirm (to make a declaration)
          2. v. to confirm; to attest (to affirm to be correct, true or genuine)
          3. v. to consolidate (to make firm, secure)
          4. v. (takes a reflexive pronoun) to earn one’s place; to rise (to earn a reputation or fame)
          1. v. (indtr, que) to state; to declare; to affirm (to make a declaration)
          2. v. to confirm; to attest (to affirm to be correct, true or genuine)
          3. v. to consolidate (to make firm, secure)
          4. v. (takes a reflexive pronoun) to earn one’s place; to rise (to earn a reputation or fame)
     1. conj. that (connecting noun clause)
     2. conj. that (introducing the result of the main clause)
     3. conj. than (used in comparisons, to introduce the basis of comparison)
     4. conj. (only in subordinate clauses) seeing as; since; for; because (introduces explanatory clause)
     5. conj. (only in subordinate clauses) and (indicating the consequences of an action, often threateningly)
     6. conj. short for porque ("because")
     7. det. (interrogative) what (used to ask for a specification)
     8. det. what a (preceding nouns) (indicates surprise, delight, or other strong feelings)
     9. adv. how (preceding adjectives) (indicates surprise, delight, or other strong feelings)
     10. pron. (relative) which; that; who (of those mentioned)
     11. pron. (relative, colloquial) whose
     12. pron. (indefinite) what thing
     1. n-f. race, breed
     2. n-f. brood
     1. v. verb form of poder
     2. v. verb form of podar
          1. v. (auxiliary) to be able to; can (to have the ability to)
          2. v. (auxiliary) can; to be allowed to (to have the permission to)
          3. v. (auxiliary) can; could (indicates possibility)
          4. v. (auxiliary) may; might (indicates possibility but uncertainty)
          5. v. (indtr, com) to be able to take on (to be able to defeat or withstand)
          6. v. (informal, intransitive) to be allowed
          7. v. (informal, intransitive) to be available for a meeting or appointment
          8. n-m. power (the ability to coerce, influence or control)
          9. n-m. (chiefly geopolitics) power (a powerful organization, especially a country)
          10. n-m. possession; (only used in, em poder de)
          11. n-m. (politics) power (branch of the government)
          12. n-m. power (extraordinary quality)
          13. n-m. (science fiction) power; superpower (supernatural ability)
     1. v. (copulative) to be (to have the given quality), especially a quality that is intrinsic or not expected to change, contrasting with estar which denotes a temporary quality
     2. v. to be (to be an example or type of, or the same as)
     3. v. (auxiliary) to be (forms the passive voice)
     4. v. (impersonal) to be (indicates a point in time)
     5. v. (indtr, em, -another locational preposition) to be in (to be located in)
     6. v. (indtr, de) to be from (to have as one’s place of origin)
     7. v. (indtr, de) to be (someone’s); to belong to
     8. v. (indtr, para, aux=personal infinitive, .transitive, .or) to be for; to be to (to have as its purpose)
     9. v. (indtr, para, .impersonal, aux=personal infinitive) to be supposed to; should (introduces an expected or demanded action)
     10. v. to be; to cost (to be worth a given amount of money)
     11. v. to happen; to take place; to occur
     12. v. (indtr, por, a favor de, contra) to be against or in favour of
     13. v. (poetic, intransitive) to exist; to be
     14. v. (impersonal, transitive) used for emphasis
     15. n-m. being (a living creature)
     1. adj. feminine singular of usado
     2. Participle. feminine singular of usado
          1. v. (indtr, direct=1, qualdirect=more common) to use; to utilise; to employ; to make use of
          2. v. to sport (to wear, wield or have as a notable feature)
          3. v. to use (to consume habitually)
     1. prep. for (directed at, intended to belong to or to be appropriate for)
     2. prep. indicates application of an adjective; to
     3. prep. to; so; in order to (indicates purpose)
     4. prep. towards; to; in the direction of (indicates destination)
     5. prep. introduces the location, direction or context that applies to a verb
     6. prep. to (to the value of)
     7. prep. in the opinion of
     8. prep. (with an infinitive) about to; soon to be indicates that something will happen soon
     9. prep. ====Contraction====
     10. prep. Para + definite article contractions are colloquial. Those without r are nonstandard:
     11. prep. para + opro, po
     12. prep. para + ospros, pos
     13. prep. para + apra, pa
     14. prep. para + aspras, pas
     15. prep. Para + indefinite article contractions are also nonstandard, but are not as common:
     16. prep. para + umprum
     17. prep. para + unspruns
     18. prep. para + umapruma
     19. prep. para + umasprumas
     20. prep. There are some para + personal pronoun contractions, which are also nonstandard and uncommon in writing:
     21. prep. para + eupreu
     22. prep. para + vocêprocê
     23. prep. para + eleprele
     24. prep. para + elespreles
     25. prep. para + elaprela
     26. prep. para + elasprelas
     27. v. verb form of parar
          1. v. to stop (to no longer move)
          2. v. to stop (to no longer progress or do something)
          3. v. to stop (to cause something to no longer move)
          4. v. to stop (to cause something to no longer progress or happen)
          5. v. (indtr, aux=infinitive) to stop; to cease (to no longer do an action)
          6. v. to stop at (to pay a short visit to)
          7. v. to end up (to be in a place or situation, after something having happened)
     1. v. to sniff
     2. v. to find out
     3. v. to sniff out
     1. n. plural of narcótico
     2. adj. masculine plural of narcótico
          1. n-m. narcotic (numbing drug)
          2. n-m. narcotic (illegal drug)
          3. adj. which numbs

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