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Portuguese Sentence of the Day


O dinheiro não é tudo.


Money isn't everything.


     1. art. the masculine singular definite article
     2. pron. him, it (as a direct object; as an indirect object, see lhe; after prepositions, see ele)
     1. n-m. money (means of exchange and measure of value)
     2. n-m. (historical) a coin used from the 12th to the 15th century in Portugal
     1. adv. (preceding verbs or adverbs) not; do not; have not (negates the meaning of the verb or adverb)
     2. adv.          (preceding verbs) used in sentences containing a negative pronoun as the object; see double negative
     3. adv.          (Brazil, colloquial, following verb phrases) used to emphasise or reinforce (in the case that there is a previous unstressed adverb não, see abo
     4. adv.          (beginning questions) isn't (used to ask whether a person agrees with the proposition, rather than to ask for an unknown fact)
     5. adv. (preceding adjectives, usually hyphenated) non- (forms antonyms of adjectives)
     6. adv. (as a sentence-final parenthesis) isn't it? right? (tag question)
     7. interj. no (used to show disagreement or negation)
     8. interj. no (used to show agreement with a negative question)
     9. n-m. no (a negative answer)
     1. v. verb form of ser
     2. interj. that’s right; yes; yeah; indicates agreement
     3. interj. erm; um; used in hesitant speech
          1. v. (copulative) to be (to have the given quality), especially a quality that is intrinsic or not expected to change, contrasting with estar which denotes a temporary quality
          2. v. to be (to be an example or type of, or the same as)
          3. v. (auxiliary) to be (forms the passive voice)
          4. v. (impersonal) to be (indicates a point in time)
          5. v. (indtr, em, -another locational preposition) to be in (to be located in)
          6. v. (indtr, de) to be from (to have as one’s place of origin)
          7. v. (indtr, de) to be (someone’s); to belong to
          8. v. (indtr, para, aux=personal infinitive, .transitive, .or) to be for; to be to (to have as its purpose)
          9. v. (indtr, para, .impersonal, aux=personal infinitive) to be supposed to; should (introduces an expected or demanded action)
          10. v. to be; to cost (to be worth a given amount of money)
          11. v. to happen; to take place; to occur
          12. v. (indtr, por, a favor de, contra) to be against or in favour of
          13. v. (poetic, intransitive) to exist; to be
          14. v. (impersonal, transitive) used for emphasis
          15. n-m. being (a living creature)
     1. pron. everything (all the things)
     2. pron. (figurative) everything that is essential
     3. pron. everyone; all (all people in general or in a specific group)
     4. det. (Brazil, informal, colloquial) every; all
     5. n-m. everything that exists

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