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Le mot anglais avancé du jour



anglais > français
     1. n. Craquement.
     2. n. (Rugby) Match de rugby opposant l'Angleterre à la France.
     3. v. Croquer.
     4. v. Craquer.
     5. v. (Argot) Calculer.
           To crunch numbers
           Faire un calcul mathématique
           That metadata makes it much easier for the search engine to crunch the data for queries.
           Ces métadonnées rendent plus facile pour le moteur de recherche le calcul des données pour les requêtes.
anglais > anglais
     1. v. To crush something, especially food, with a noisy crackling sound.
           When I came home, Susan was watching TV with her feet up on the couch, crunching a piece of celery.
     2. v. To be crushed with a noisy crackling sound.
           Beetles crunched beneath the men's heavy boots as they worked.
     3. v. (slang) To calculate or otherwise process (e.g. to crunch numbers: to perform mathematical calculations). Presumably from the sound made by mechanical calculators.
           That metadata makes it much easier for the search engine to crunch the data for queries.
     4. v. To grind or press with violence and noise.
     5. v. To emit a grinding or crunching noise.
     6. v. (computing, transitive) To compress (data) using a particular algorithm, so that it can be restored by decrunching.
     7. v. (software development, slang) To make employees work overtime in order to meet a deadline in the development of a project.
     8. n. A noisy crackling sound; the sound usually associated with crunching.
     9. n. A critical moment or event.
     10. n. A problem that leads to a crisis.
     11. n. (exercise) A form of abdominal exercise, based on a sit-up but in which the lower back remains in contact with the floor.
     12. n. (uncommon, generally plural) A small piece created by crushing; pieces of material with a friable or crunchy texture.
     13. n. (software development, slang) The overtime work required to catch up and finish a project, usually in the final weeks of development before release.

Exemples de phrases

She could always call her parents when she was in a crunch. 
    Elle pouvait toujours appeler ses parents, quand elle se trouvait dans une situation critique.

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