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French Phrase of the Day

tenir à


French > English
tenir à
     1. v. to be attached to; to be joined to (literally, physically)
     2. v. to be attached to (figuratively, emotionally), to like, to be fond of
     3. v. to wish, to want, would like
           Je tiens à exprimer, en mon nom personnel et en celui de notre Parlement européen, l’expression de notre profonde sympathie et nos sincères condoléances à l’égard des familles des victimes. - I
     4. v. (tenir à ce que + subjunctive / tenir à + infinitive) to insist on
     5. v. (of abstracts) to derive from; to be born of; to be the result of
     6. v. (impersonal) be up to (to be left to the whims of), for all ~ cares; to depend on gloss, to be contingent on
           il tient à + quelqu'un ou quelque chose + que + subjonctif
           il ne tient qu'à + quelque chose + que + subjonctif
           il ne tient qu'à + quelqu'un ou quelque chose + de + infinitif
           s'il ne tenait qu'à lui + conditionnel - if it were up to him + conditional
     7. v. (takes a reflexive pronoun, s'en tenir à / se tenir à) (of persons) to stick to/with/within, to keep to, to limit oneself to, to be content with; (of abstracts) to stay in bounds of, to keep to
     1. v. to have; to hold
     2. v. to keep
     3. v. to take (e.g., take into account, take into consideration); to consider; to account for; to reflect
           Peut-être devons-nous tenir compte de plusieurs problèmes. - Maybe we should take several issues into account.
     4. v. to stay; to hold
     1. Notes. In Canada, à and a are not homophones, à a, a ɑː.
     2. prep. to (destination)
           aller au bout - go to the end / go all the way
           Je vais à Paris. - I am going to Paris.
     3. prep. to (until)

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