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Englisches Wort des Tages




Englisch > Deutsch
     1. Substantiv:
     2. [1] Süssigkeit aus Kakao/Kakaopulver, Milch: Schokolade
     3. [2] ({{brit.}}) Getränk aus Kakao oder Kakaopulver, das in Milch oder Wasser aufgelöst wird: (heiße) Schokolade, Kakao
           [1] Yesterday I ate chocolate.
             Gestern habe ich Schokolade gegessen.
           [2] Let's drink a cup of (hot) chocolate.
             Lass' uns eine Tasse Kakao/Schokolade trinken.
Englisch > Englisch
     1. subst. (mostly) A food made from ground roasted cocoa beans.
           Chocolate is a very popular treat.
     2. subst. (mostly) A drink made by dissolving this food in boiling milk or water.
     3. subst. A single, small piece of confectionery made from chocolate.
           He bought her some chocolates as a gift. She ate one chocolate and threw the rest away.
     4. subst. A dark, reddish-brown colour/color, like that of chocolate.
           As he cooked it the whole thing turned a rich, deep chocolate.
           (color panel, 61463E)
     5. subst. (slang) A black person; blackness.
     6. adj. Made of or containing chocolate.
     7. adj. Having a dark reddish-brown colour/color.
     8. adj. (slang) Black (relating to any of various ethnic groups having dark pigmentation of the skin).
     9. v. (rare, biology) To treat blood agar by heating in order to lyse the red blood cells in the medium.
Deutsch > Englisch
     1. n-f. chocolate (food made from ground roasted cocoa beans)
     2. n-f. cocoa drink




Why didn't you eat your chocolate? 
    Wieso hast du deine Schokolade nicht gegessen?
What?! You ate my chocolate bear?! 
    Was?! Du hast meinen Schokoladenbären gegessen?!
Thanks for the chocolate! I hope you enjoyed the pancakes, and I hope you had a great day as well. 
    Danke für die Schokolade! Ich hoffe, die Pfannkuchen haben dir geschmeckt, und ich hoffe, dass auch du einen schönen Tag hattest.
Eat all the chocolate ice cream you want. It's your life. 
    Von mir aus kannst du so viel Schokoladeneis essen, wie du willst. Es ist ja dein Leben!
Have you ever just let the chocolate melt in your mouth? I swear, it tastes even better this way. 
    Haben Sie schon einmal die Schokolade einfach im Mund zergehen lassen? Ich schwöre, so schmeckt sie noch besser.

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