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The Dutch word for bird is


Dutch Definition

     1. vogel

Translations for bird and their definitions

vogel ©
     1. n-m. (topics, Vertebrates) bird, any member of the class Aves
           De tuin zit vol met verschillende soorten vogels, zoals merels, mussen en roodborstjes. - The garden is full of different types of birds, such as blackbirds, sparrows, and robins.
           Het geluid van fluitende vogels vulde de lucht in de vroege ochtend. - The sound of chirping birds filled the air in the early morning.
     2. n-m. a feathered target in archery or shooting
           De schutter mikte op het kleine vogeltje dat op de paal was geplaatst. - The archer aimed at the small feathered target placed on the pole.
           Het schieten op vogels is een traditionele sport in sommige landen. - Shooting at bird targets is a traditional sport in some countries.
     3. n-m. (figuratively, slang) A dude, a cat (slang term for a man).

     1. n-m. alternative form of grutto (the bird godwit)
     2. n-f. (informal) girl, (young or any) female, often derogatory: broad
     3. n-m. short for margriet, an apple variety
     4. n-m. euphemism for God, notable as an alternative for blasphemous cursing
     5. n-f. : brill, a fish species

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