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Analyseur de phrases anglaises

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     1. n. Je (première personne du singulier nominatif).
           I like your smile.
           J'aime ton sourire.
     1. v. Penser, croire.
           What do you think of the current political situation?
           Do you really think so?
     2. v. Songer.
           Think about what you're doing.
           Songez à ce que vous faites.
           He's thinking about leaving Paris.
           Il songe à quitter Paris.
     3. v. Réfléchir.
           We have a problem. Let me think a minute.
           Nous avons un problème. Laisse-moi réfléchir une minute.
     4. v. Trouver.
           I think you're right.
           Je trouve que tu as raison.
     1. n. Pluriel de audience.
          1. n. Public, auditoire.
                The audience clapped at the end of the show.
          2. n. Assistance ; ceux qui assistent à un spectacle.
                The audience gave a round of applause when the juggler finished her act.
          3. n. Audience.
                an audience with the Pope
     1. n. (US) (Tin can) Boîte de conserve.
     2. n. Canette métal, souvent cylindrique.
           A can of beer.
     3. n. (Plus rare) Bidon.
           My car ran out of gas. Can I buy a can of gasoline to take to the car?
     4. v. Pouvoir, savoir, avoir la capacité de.
           She can speak French.
           Elle peut parler français.
     5. v. Pouvoir, avoir le droit de.
           No one can swim here.
           Personne ne peut nager ici.
     6. v. Pouvoir, avoir la possibilité de.
     7. v. Mettre en boite de conserve.
     1. n. Odorat.
           The five senses are: sight, sound (hearing), smell, taste, and touch. (vue ou vision, ouïe, odorat, goût, toucher)
     2. n. Odeur.
           The refrigerator has a funny smell coming from it.
     3. n. Parfum.
           I love the smell of roses.
     4. v. Sentir.
     5. v. Humer.
           smell the perfume, smell the Spring air
     6. v. (Intransitif) (Péjoratif), (populaire) Puer (to smell bad).
           At a dinner party, the woman sitting next to Dr. Johnson had the rude effrontery to say, "Dr. Johnson, you smell." Dr. Johnson, always the most precise in matters of speech, thereupon replied, "No, Madam. You smell. I stink.&quo
           If your feet smell and your nose runs, you're built upside down (exemple illustrant la polysémie de smell et de run.)
           Jingle bells, Batman smells
           Les cloches sonnent, Batman pue
     1. art. Le, la, les.
     1. adj. Inhérent, intrinsèque.
     1. n. Malhonnêteté.
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