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     1. adj. Mauvais.
     2. adj. (Populaire) Formidable.
     3. v. (Familier) Mal.
     1. adj. Malin, scélérat, diabolique.
           Richard reveals more about himself and his evil personality.
     2. adj. Mauvais, méchant, vilain, maudit.
           The evil fairy godmother was not invited to the celebration of the birth of Sleeping Beauty, and so she gave Sleeping Beauty a terrible present.
     3. n. Mal.
           All that is needed for evil to prosper in this world is for good men to do nothing.
     1. adj. Malade, malsain.
     2. v. Mal.
     3. n. Problème, difficulté.
     4. n. Maladie, problème médical.
     5. n. (Adjectif substantivé) Les malades.
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