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     1. adj. Tout, tous, toute, toutes.
           Socrates is a man. All men are mortal. So Socrates is mortal.
     2. n. Tout le monde.
           All are welcome here in time of need.
     3. n. Tout, tous.
           I want to speak to all of you.
     4. n. Toutes les choses.
           She gave her all for the cause.
     5. n. (Dénombrable) Toutes les possessions d'une personne.
     6. v. Complètement.
     1. prep. De. Indique une origine, une substance, une possession, etc.
           The university of Ottawa.
           L'université d'Ottawa.
           The king of beasts.
           Le roi des animaux.
     2. prep. De. Indique une séparation avec certains verbes.
           The accident deprived him of his health.
           L'accident l'a privé de sa santé.
     1. art. Le, la, les.
     1. n. (Botanique) Arbre.
     2. n. Structure arborescente.
     3. n. Informatique Arbre.
     4. n. (Théorie des graphes) Arbre.
     1. n. Pluriel de leaf.
     2. n. Pluriel de leave.
     3. v. Troisième personne du singulier du présent simple de leave.
          1. v. (Intransitif) Partir, s'en aller.
                I'm leaving now, and I'm not coming back!
          2. v. (Transitif) Partir de, sortir de.
                I'm leaving the office in another hour.
          3. v. (Transitif) Léguer.
                In the will, she left me ten thousand dollars.
          4. v. (Transitif) Laisser.
                I'll leave the book here for you to pick up later.
                Just leave her alone.
                La Fille qui t'attend là-bas
          5. v. Être indulgent.
                I'll leave you to take care of yourself now.
          6. v. Rester.
                That leaves three days to do it.
                Il reste trois jours pour le faire.
          7. n. Congé, loisirs, vacances.
          8. n. (Militaire) Permission (d'absence).
                On leave.
                En permission.
          9. n. (Vieilli) Permission (d'action).
                Might I beg leave to accompany you?
          1. n. (Botanique) Feuille.
     1. v. Forme du passé du verbe to turn.
          1. v. (Turn (in place)) Tourner, retourner.
                Turn so I can see your profile.
          2. v. (Turn around) Renverser.
                Turn around. I want to go home.
          3. v. (Turn (around something)) Virer.
                Turn right at the next intersection.
          4. v. (Move something else) Dévier.
                They turned the river to go on the other side of the town.
          5. v. (Turn into) Changer, transformer, convertir.
                When the moon is full, a werewolf turns from a person into a wolf.
          6. n. File, rang, rangée, tour.
          7. n. Coup (d'un jeu).
                White has the first turn in chess.
                Whose turn is it to move?
     1. adj. Jaune.
     2. adj. (Royaume-Uni) (Politique) Qui supporte le parti libéral démocratique.
     3. n. Jaune.
     4. v. Jaunir.
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