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Analyseur de phrases anglaises

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     1. n. Informel, officieux, non officiel, en petit comité, improvisé, à la bonne franquette.
     2. n. (Langage) Familier.
           The author had an excellent grasp of informal street language.
     1. adj. Ennuyeux, ennuyant.
     2. n. Forage.
     3. v. Participe présent de bore.
          1. v. Ennuyer, fatiguer, lasser.
                Don't bore him by going on an on about it.
          2. v. Aléser.
          3. v. Forer, percer.
                Use the drill to bore a hole through it.
          4. v. Prétérit de bear.
          5. n. Forage.
          6. n. Ennui.
                What a bore!
                Quelle barbe !
     1. adj. Fatigant.
     2. v. Participe présent du verbe to tire.
          1. n. (US) Pneu.
          2. v. (Transitif) Fatiguer.
                Don't play with the baby before dinner. You'll tire him out, and he won't eat.
          3. v. (Intransitif) Se fatiguer.
                I never tire of her stories.
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