Lexis Rex Startseite

Englisches Wort des Tages für Fortgeschrittene



Englisch > Deutsch
     1. Substantiv:
     2. [1] Sitz in einem Auto, Sitzplatz in öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln oder im Theater
     3. [2] Gesäß
     4. [3] der Teil eines Gegenstandes auf dem man sitzen kann
Englisch > Englisch
     1. subst. Something to be sat upon.
     2. subst.          A place in which to sit.
                   There are two hundred seats in this classroom.
     3. subst.          The horizontal portion of a chair or other furniture designed for sitting.
                   He sat on the arm of the chair rather than the seat, which always annoyed his mother.
                   the seat of a saddle
     4. subst.          A piece of furniture made for sitting; e.g. a chair, stool or bench; any improvised place for sitting.
                   She pulled the seat from under the table to allow him to sit down.
     5. subst.          The part of an object or individual (usually the buttocks) directly involved in sitting.
                   Instead of saying "sit down", she said "place your seat on this chair".
     6. subst.          The part of a piece of clothing (usually pants or trousers) covering the buttocks.
                   The seat of these trousers is almost worn through.
     7. subst.          (engineering) A part or surface on which another part or surface rests.
                   The seat of the valve had become corroded.
     8. subst. A location or site.
     9. subst.          (figurative) A membership in an organization, particularly a representative body.
                   Our neighbor has a seat at the stock exchange and in congress.
     10. subst.          The location of a governing body.
                   Washington D.C. is the seat of the U.S. government.
     11. subst.          (certain Commonwealth countries) An electoral district, especially for a national legislature.
     12. subst.          A temporary residence, such as a country home or a hunting lodge.
     13. subst.          The place occupied by anything, or where any person or thing is situated or resides; a site.
     14. subst. The starting point of a fire.
     15. subst. Posture, or way of sitting, on horseback.
     16. v. To put an object into a place where it will rest; to fix; to set firm.
           Be sure to seat the gasket properly before attaching the cover.
     17. v. To provide with places to sit.
           This classroom seats two hundred students.
           The waiter seated us and asked what we would like to drink.
     18. v. To request or direct one or more persons to sit.
           Please seat the audience after the anthem and then introduce the first speaker.
     19. v. (transitive, legislature) To recognize the standing of a person or persons by providing them with one or more seats which would allow them to participate fully in a meeting or session.
           Only half the delegates from the state were seated at the convention because the state held its primary too early.
           You have to be a member to be seated at the meeting. Guests are welcome to sit in the visitors section.
     20. v. To assign the seats of.
           to seat a church
     21. v. To cause to occupy a post, site, or situation; to station; to establish; to fix; to settle.
     22. v. (obsolete, intransitive) To rest; to lie down.
     23. v. To settle; to plant with inhabitants.
           to seat a country
     24. v. To put a seat or bottom in.
           to seat a chair


Please have a seat and wait until your name is called. 
    Nehmen Sie bitte Platz und warten, bis man Ihren Namen aufruft.
Excuse me, I think you're sitting in my seat. 
    Entschuldigen Sie! Ich glaube, Sie sitzen auf meinem Platz.
I can't see the stage well from this seat. 
    Ich kann die Bühne nicht gut sehen von diesem Sitzplatz aus.
Please take a seat and wait. 
    Setzen Sie sich bitte und warten Sie!
I came early so I could get a good seat. 
    Ich kam frühzeitig, um mir noch einen guten Platz zu sichern.

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