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The Portuguese word for stream is



The gender of riacho is masculine. E.g. o riacho.


The plural of riacho is riachos.

Portuguese Definition

     1. Substantivo. fluxo, corrente
     2. Substantivo. riacho, ribeiro, córrego
     3. Substantivo. fluxos de caracteres ou bytes em um computador
     4. Verbo. fluir

Translations for stream and their definitions

     1. n-m. flow
     2. n-m. (Brazil, slang) baile funk

     1. n-m. stream

     1. v. to run (to move quickly on one’s feet)
           Tive que correr para chegar a tempo. - I had to run to arrive in time.
     2. v. (indtr, intr=1) to run away from; to flee
           Tive que correr do país para sobreviver. - I had to run away from the country in order to survive.
     3. v. to speed (to drive too fast)
           Ele morreu porque gostava de correr. - He died because he liked to speed.
     4. v. to rush; to hurry (to do something hastily)
           Se não correres, não conseguirás terminar o projeto. - Unless you hurry up, you won’t manage to finish the project.
     5. v. to flow (to move in liquid form)
           Fiquei observando as gotas correndo na janela. - I was observing the drops flowing on the window.
     6. v. (indtr, em, .by extension) to run in the family (to be a characteristic feature of)
           A idiotice corre na família do João. - Stupidity runs in John’s family.
     7. v. to elapse; to pass quickly
           As horas correm. - The hours elapse.
     8. v. (indtr, que, intr=1) to be passed around; to spread
           Corre o boato que eu estou prestes a morrer. - The rumour that I am about to die is running around.
           Corre que eu estou prestes a morrer. - Rumour has it that I am about to die.
     9. v. to draw; to slide over a rod or trail
           Corra as cortinas. - Draw the curtains.
     10. v. (indtr, em, sobre, por, ditr=1) to slide an object over something
           Corra a mão sobre o granito para ver que liso que é. - Slide your hand over the granite to see how smooth it is.
     11. v. to slide
           Uma forca bem feita precisa correr bem. - A well-made noose needs to slide properly.
     12. v. to run (a risk or danger)
           Corremos o risco de morrer. - We run the risk of dying.
     13. v. (indtr, em, direct=1) to participate in a race
           Quero correr a maratona de Londres. - I want to race in the London marathon.
     14. v. to tour (to make a circuit of a place)
           Ele correu a Europa inteira. - He toured all of Europe.
     15. v. to go (to proceed in a specified manner)
           Tudo correu bem. - Everything went well.
     16. v. (Brazil, transitive) to chase off (to make someone or something flee)
           Conseguimos correr os mendigos. - We managed to chase the beggars off.
     17. v. (Portugal, computer) to run a program

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