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The Portuguese word for rain is



The gender of chuva is feminine. E.g. a chuva.


The plural of chuva is chuvas.

Portuguese Definition

     1. Substantivo. chuva
     2. Verbo. chover

Translations for rain and their definitions

     1. v. to rain (to fall (drops of water) from the sky)
           Se chover, não saia de casa. - If it rains, don’t leave the house.
     2. v. to rain (to fall (a given substance or objects) from the sky in great amounts)
           Começou a chover pedras. - It began to rain rocks.
     3. v. to rain on (to cause to fall in great amounts upon)
           Os arqueiros choveram flechas sobre os invasores. - The archers rained arrows upon the invaders.
     4. v. to fall from the sky (to come or occur in great amounts)
           Hoje em dia chove miséria. - Nowadays misery falls from the sky.
     5. v. to shower with (to provide with great amounts of)
           O governador choveu louros sobre os atletas. - The governor showered the athletes with laurels.

     1. n-f. rain

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