Learn the Hospital in Korean Review the wordsUse this multiple choice exercise to study common words from Korean. When you answer words correctly, the game will select from slightly harder words the next time you play. 약0앰뷸런스0침대0목다리0장갑0병원0마스크0바늘0 간호원0환자0청진기0들것0수술0주사기0병동0병들다0 알약0알약0 Learn these withMultiple Choice0%Hangman0%Word Search0%Flash CardsMemoryLearnThe Body0%Animals0%Plants0%Days and Months0%Time0%Colors0% Food0%Fruits and Vegetables0%Groceries0% The Home0%The Bedroom0%The Bathroom0%The Kitchen0%Wardrobe (clothing)0%The Garden Shed0%Tools0% Transport0%The Car0%The Street0%The Hospital0%School0% Descriptions0% People0%Professions0% Outside0%Geography0%Weather0% Music0%