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Parola del giorno in inglese




inglese > italiano
     1. vite
inglese > inglese
     1. subst. A device that has a helical function.
     2. subst.          A simple machine, a helical inclined plane.
     3. subst.          A (usually) metal fastener consisting of a shank partially or completely threaded shank, sometimes with a threaded point, and a head used to both hold
     4. subst.          (nautical) A ship's propeller.
     5. subst.          An Archimedes screw.
     6. subst.          A steam vessel propelled by a screw instead of wheels.
     7. subst. (derogatory) A prison guard.
     8. subst. (derogatory) An extortioner; a sharp bargainer; a skinflint.
     9. subst. (US, slang) An instructor who examines with great or unnecessary severity; also, a searching or strict examination of a student by an instructor.
     10. subst. (vulgar, slang) Sexual intercourse; the act of screwing.
     11. subst. (vulgar, slang) A casual sexual partner.
     12. subst. (slang) Salary, wages.
     13. subst. (billiards) Backspin.
     14. subst. (slang) A small packet of tobacco.
     15. subst. (dated) An old, worn-out, unsound and worthless horse.
     16. subst. (math) A straight line in space with which a definite linear magnitude termed the pitch is associated. It is used to express the displacement of a rigid body, which may always be made to consist of a
     17. subst. An amphipod crustacean.
           the skeleton screw (Caprella);  the sand screw
     18. v. To connect or assemble pieces using a screw.
     19. v. (transitive, vulgar, slang) To have sexual intercourse with.
     20. v. (transitive, slang) To cheat someone or ruin their chances in a game or other situation. Sometimes used in the form "screw over".
     21. v. To apply pressure on; to put the screws on.
     22. v. To practice extortion upon; to oppress by unreasonable or extortionate exactions.
     23. v. To contort.
     24. v. (soccer, transitive) To miskick (a ball) by hitting it with the wrong part of the foot.
     25. v. (billiard, snooker, pool) To screw back.
     26. v. (US, slang) To examine (a student) rigidly; to subject to a severe examination.
italiano > inglese
     1. subst. screw
     2. subst. vine
     3. subst. plural of vita



Frasi esempio

It wasn't that good a screw
This guy is basically saying he's screwed the government and he intends to screw the motorists who are going to use his road. 
But screw your courage to the sticker and we'll not fail! 
One night I said I better just screw the bobbin, this has gone on too long sitting in the house drinking. 
I've got a friend of mine, he's on their committee, he reckons that boy can screw punt a wet ball seventy yards. 

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