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The Finnish word for to breathe is

to breathe

Translations for to breathe and their definitions

     1. v. to breathe
           ~ sisään : to breathe in, inhale
           ~ ulos : to breathe out, exhale

     1. n. partitive plural form of henki
     2. v. To exude, radiate, bubble with, sparkle with, overflow with.
           Mainos henkii nykyaikaa.
             The commercial exudes modern times.

     1. v. (intransitive) to take a breather (to take a break; to pause or relax briefly)
           Pysähdytäänkö vähän hengähtämään ennenkuin jatkamme?
             Why don't we stop and take a breather before we continue?

     1. v. To breathe (in an indifferent or relaxed manner).
     2. v. (intransitive) To blow gently.

hengittää ulos
     1. to breathe out
     2. to exhale

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