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Common Polish Words

A list of the most common Polish words ordered by their frequency of use. You can use this list to learn words efficiently, ensuring you cover the basic vocabulary of Polish.

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1 nie
     1. part. Negation particle for nouns; no
     2. part. Negation particle for verbs and participles; not, don't, didn't
2 to
     1. pron. (demonstrative) this (nearby, neuter)
3 się
     1. pron. generic reflexive pronoun; oneself, themselves
           Nazywam się Daniel.
             My name is Daniel. (lit: I call myself Daniel.)
     2. pron. each other, one another
     3. part. Used to form impersonal present or future tense.
4 w  ©
     1. prep. (+ locative) in
     2. prep. (+ accusative) into, in
     3. prep. (+ accusative) on (time/date)
5 na
     1. prep. (+ locative) on, in
           Siedzę na koniu. - I'm on a horse.
     2. prep. (+ accusative) onto, on
           Uważaj, zaraz to na mnie spadnie! - Watch out, it's going to fall on me!
     3. prep. (+ accusative) for, by (a time, date etc.)
6 i
     1. conj. and
           Adam i Ewa tylko zjedli jabłko — Adam and Eve only ate an apple.
           Patrzę na nią i oczom nie wierzę — I look at her and can't believe my eyes.
7 z
     1. prep. from
           Jestem z Polski. – I'm from Poland.
     2. prep. out of
           jeden z dziesięciu - one out of ten
     3. prep. made of
8 co
     1. pron. what
9 jest
     1. v. masculine singular of być; is
           Ona jest ładna - translation=She's pretty
           Agnieszka jest studentką - translation=Agnieszka is a student.
     2. v. (mathematics) is, equals (see also wynosi)
           dwa plus dwa jest cztery - translation=Two plus two is four
10 że
     1. conj. Introduces a nounal subordinate clause; that
           Powiedział mi, że ta książka jest ciekawa.
     2. part. Intensifier.
11 do
     1. prep. to, towards, into
     2. prep. until
     3. prep. (with deadline) by
12 tak
     1. interj. yes
           - Zrobiłeś to? - Tak.
             - Did you do that? - Yes, (I did).
     2. adv. so (used for an emphasis)
           Było tak ciemno, że nic nie widziałem.
13 jak
     1. pron. how
           Jak masz na imię? – What is your name? (informal)
           Jak się masz? – How are you? (informal)
           Jak to zrobiłeś? – How did you do that?
     2. conj. as
14 o
     1. prep. about (concerning)
           Opowiedz mi o twojej pracy.
             Tell me about your job.
           Ta książka jest o potędze miłości.
             This book is about the power of love.
15 mnie
     1. pron. Genitive of ja
     2. pron. Dative of ja
     3. pron. Accusative of ja
     4. pron. Locative of ja
     5. v. third-person singular present indicative of miąć
16 a
     1. conj. and; but
           A ty? - And you?
           Wolisz tabletki, a ja wolę zastrzyki. - You prefer pills and I prefer injections.
     2. conj. and
           walka między dobrem a złem - battle between good and evil
17 ale
     1. conj. but
           Grałem dobrze, ale przegrałem. - I played well, but I lost.
     2. part. (colloquial) used at the beginning of sentence for emphasis
           Ale masz piękną sukienkę! - You have such a beautiful dress!
           Ale ta zupa jest dobra! - This soup is so good!
18 mi
     1. pron. Dative singular mute form of ja
           Daj mi rękę.
             Give me your hand.
19 za
     1. prep. (+ instrumental) behind (denotes location)
     2. prep. (+ accusative) behind (denotes movement)
     3. prep. (+ instrumental) for, after
     4. prep. (+ accusative) in, for
20 ja
     1. pron. I; first-person pronoun
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