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The Norwegian word for to run is

to run

Translations for to run and their definitions

     1. v. to run (move quickly)
           Mannen løp raskt ned trappene. - The man ran quickly down the stairs.
     2. v. to run, flow (of a liquid)
           Floda løper ut til sjøen i denne byen. - The river runs out to the sea in this town.

     1. v. to bound, jump, leap
     2. v. to run
     3. v. to blow up, burst, explode, (cork) pop
     4. v. (liquids) to gush, spout, squirt
     5. v. (flowers) to bud, open, bloom, blossom

     1. v. To walk, go.
           OK, da kan dere gå hjem. - Ok, you're free to go home.
           Går du til skolen eller tar du bussen? - Do you walk to school or do you take the bus?
           Gå til fots. - Go on foot.
     2. v. To work (function), run, to be possible.
           Det gikk visst ikke så bra. - It didn't go too well.
           Det går ikke å fikse motoren. - I can't fix the engine.
           Motoren går fint. - The engine runs smoothly.
     3. v. To be alright, in order
           Går det bra med deg? - Are you alright?
           Går alt bra her? - Is everything alright here?
     4. v. To go with something.
           Hvilket slips går best med denne skjorten, synes du? - Which tie goes best with this shirt, do you think?
     5. v. Passing of time
           Etter som årene går. - As the years go by.
     6. v. Of electric power, to go out; of a light bulb or fuse, to blow.
           Strømmen er gått i hele nabolaget. - The power is out in the entire neighbourhood.
           Sikringen går hver gang jeg skrur på komfyren. - The fuse blows every time I turn on the stove.

     1. v. to run (move quickly)
           Mannen løp raskt ned trappene. - The man ran quickly down the stairs.
     2. v. to run, flow (of a liquid)
           Floda løper ut til sjøen i denne byen. - The river runs out to the sea in this town.

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