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The Korean word for pocket is


Translations for pocket and their definitions

     1. n. pocket
           (koex, 호주머니를 다 뒤졌지만 잔돈 하나 없었다., There was not a single penny even when all the pockets have been emptied.)
             (koex, 교제가 잦을수록 호주머니도 비어간다., The more you socialise, the sooner your pocket becomes empty.)
     2. n. (figurative) one's pocket; one's own purse
             (koex, 일단 휘발유 값 하락으로 ^미국인의 호주머니 사정은 좋아지고 있다., Americans are doing better in their wallets once the gasoline price falls.)

     1. n. pocket

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