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Englisches Wort des Tages




Englisch > Deutsch
     1. Substantiv:
     2. [1] Ein kleines, dünnes Stück Stahl, mit einer Spitze an dem einen Ende und einem Loch am anderen. Wird zum Nähen benutzt.
     3. [2] Ein langes, dünnes Stück Plastik, Metall oder poliertes Holz ohne ein Loch aber mit einer Spitze (zum Stricken) oder mit einem kleinen Haken (zum Häkeln ).
     4. [3] Ein dünner Zeiger an einem Zähler oder einem Kompass.
     5. [4] Das spitz zulaufende Ende einer Injektionsnadel.
     6. [5] Wird auch als Synonym für eine Injektion gebraucht.
     7. [6] allgemein: etwas, dass ein langes, spitzes Ende hat
     8. [7] Grammophonnadel, Plattenspielernadel, Tonnadel
     9. [8] (umgangssprachlich): Unfreundlichkeit, Rivalität
     10. [9] das Blatt eines Nadelbaumes
Englisch > Englisch
     1. subst. A fine, sharp implement usually for piercing such as sewing, or knitting, acupuncture, tattooing, body piercing, medical injections, etc.
           The seamstress threaded the needle to sew on a button.
     2. subst. Any slender, pointed object resembling a needle, such as a pointed crystal, a sharp pinnacle of rock, an obelisk, etc.
     3. subst. A fine measurement indicator on a dial or graph, e.g. a compass needle.
           The needle on the fuel gauge pointed to empty.
     4. subst. A sensor for playing phonograph records, a phonograph stylus.
           Ziggy bought some diamond needles for his hi-fi phonograph.
     5. subst. A needle-like leaf found on some conifers.
     6. subst. A strong beam resting on props, used as a temporary support during building repairs.
     7. subst. (informal, usually preceded by the) The death penalty carried out by lethal injection.
     8. subst. (programming, PHP) A text string that is searched for within another string.
     9. v. To pierce with a needle, especially for sewing or acupuncture.
     10. v. To tease in order to provoke; to poke fun at.
           Billy needled his sister incessantly about her pimples.
     11. v. To form, or be formed, in the shape of a needle.
           to needle crystals
Deutsch > Englisch
     1. n-f. needle; hook (implement for sewing, knitting, or crocheting)
     2. n-f. pin (implement for fixing something)
     3. n-f. needle (indicating device)
     4. n-f. needle (sensor for phonograph stylus)
     5. n-f. needle (leaf of conifer)




Now listen, I want to ask you a question and I'm not trying to needle you. 
She takes his arm and pulls out a large cactus needle
When she has lifted it far enough, she slips the knitting needle underneath. 
How about some reefer, snort a line, push a needle, talk to momma, find a young boy who puffs the pipe. 
Searching for a needle in a haystack, never knowing one way or another. 

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