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The Dutch word for animal is


Translations for animal and their definitions

     1. n. animal
     2. det. (demonstrative) her, their, the latter's (genitive feminine singular and genitive plural of die).
           De verdachte heeft zich samen met een vriend, haar dochter en dier vriend schuldig gemaakt aan de moord op haar echtgenoot ... (from a verdict of the Court of Justice at 's-Gravenhage, 2011)
           The accused (woman) is guilty of having murdered her husband in cooperation with a friend, her daughter and the latter's friend ...

     1. n. animal, beast
           Er zit een beestje in m'n soep.
             There is a bug in my soup.

     1. adj. (literally) animal -, relating to fauna
     2. adj. made of animal(s) (parts), such as furs and edible species
     3. adj. (pejorative) beastly, subhuman etc.
     4. adj. (figuratively) instinctive, primitive

     1. adj. inflected form of dierlijk

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