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Chinese Word of the Day

lǎo shī



Chinese > English
     1. Simplified form of 老師
     1. n. teacher
           特教 老師 - special ed teacher
           向 老師 請教 - to ask for advice from the teacher
           去 學校 當 實習 老師 - to do teaching work experience at a school
           我 的 老師 給 我 很 大 壓力。 - My teacher puts me under a lot of pressure.
           現在 有 很 多 師生 都 聯名 寫信 要yāo求 取消 老師 的 教授 資格。 - Many teachers and students are now jointly writing to request the cancellation of the teacher’s professor eligibility.
     2. n. (a term of address for a teacher)
           在 ^陳 老師 的 春風化雨 下,我 學會 了 如何 待人接物。 - Under the positive influence of Teacher Chen, I've learnt to how to get along with others.
     3. n. (honorific, polite) (a term of address for an adult, particularly a writer or an artist)
           曹 老師 業餘 喜愛 閱讀,尤 愛 讀 傳zhuàn記、歷史、經濟 和 國際 時事 書刊。 - Mr Cao loves reading in his spare time, especially biographies, and books related to history, economics and international current affairs.
English > Chinese
     1. 名词. 教師、老師
     1. old; aged; elderly
           Antonyms: 幼, 少
           老樹 - old tree
           老 婦人 - old woman
           人 老 了 記憶力 就 差 了。 - One's memory worsens when age increases.
     2. old (as opposed to new); of long standing
           Antonyms: 新
           老 歌 - old song
           老朋友 - old friend
     3. outdated; old-fashioned
     4. original; former
           老 地方 - usual place
           老 本行háng - original profession
     5. the elderly; one's elders
           敬老 - to respect the elderly
     6. (Used after the surname of an old person to address a venerable old person)
           王 老 - revered old Wang
     7. (figurative) experienced
           Antonyms: 嫩
           老手 - an old hand
           老兵 - veteran
     8. (literary) to respect (the elderly, one's elders)
     9. (of cooked food) overcooked; tough; stringy; hard
           牛排 太 老 了,我 咬 不 動 它。 - The steak was so tough I couldn't eat it.
           這 雞蛋 煮 老 了,你 沒 掌握 好 火候。 - This egg is hard; you didn't time it properly.
     10. (of food or potable liquids) stale; not fresh
     11. always; all the time
           你 別 老 這樣! - Stop being always like this!
     12. (chiefly dialectal) very; quite
           老早 - very early
           他 人 老 好 了。 - He is such a nice person! colloquial, somewhat regional
           看到 儂 真個 老 開心。 (2khoe tau&3non&1tsen geq&3lau&1khe xin, SH) - I am really happy to see you.
     13. (euphemistic, of an elderly person) to die; to pass away (usually with tr=le)
     14. (affectionate, respectful) (Used before surnames to refer to heads or elder members of families.)
           → 小 (for younger people)
           老 ^張 馬上 來 了,我 得děi 趕緊 收拾 一 下 屋 子。 - Old Zhang is going to be here any minute. I need to hurry up and straighten the room up a bit.
     15. (usually respectful and affectionate) (Used by analogy in several other relationship terms.)
           老師 - teacher
           老婆 - wifey
           老公 - hubby
     16. (obsolete, originally, honorific) (Prefix for animals or people considered senior, fierce, and often awe-inspiring.)
           老鷹 - eagle
           老虎 - tiger
           老鼠 - mouse, rat; (obsolete) bat
           老狼 - (rare) elder and experienced wolf
           老貓 - (rare) elder (potentially annoying) cat
           老狐狸 - (surviving usage) elder, cunning and experienced fox
           老傢夥 -
           老東西 -
           老雜碎 -
     17. (colloquial) (Used before nouns, especially names of ethnicities, places and countries, to form nouns.)
           老外 - foreigner; (pejorative) layman, one who lacks knowledge of a subject
           老美 - Yank
           老表 - a friend (direct speech, may be intimate or offensive depending on provinces)
           老毛子zi - (pejorative) Russian person
           老蒙古 - (pejorative) Mongols
           老北京 - indigenous Beijing person
           老山東 - indigenous Shandong person
           老西兒r - (affectionate) Shanxi person
           老回回 - Hui person (affectionate in some cases, pejorative in other cases, never neutral, depend on the region, speaker, listener situation and speaking mood)
     18. Short for 老子, Laozi; Lao Tzu
     19. (Mainland China, Hong Kong) Short for 老撾, Laos
     1. Simplified form of 師
     1. (historical, military) division of 2500 soldiers
     2. (military) division; a large body of troops composing part of an army
     3. army; troops; armed force
     4. to dispatch troops; to send troops
     5. the masses; populace; general public
     6. (historical) (A former level of administrative division notionally covering 36,000 households or 1/12 of a province.)
     7. capital city; metropolis
     8. strategist; military adviser
     9. leader; chief; commander; head; captain
     10. teacher; instructor
     11. master; expert; specialist
     12. (Min Dong) to be an expert in; adept at; capable
     13. (Min Dong) (Respectful term of address for an expert in a trade or profession.)
     14. (religion) (Respectful title for monks, nuns and Taoist priests.)
     15. (historical) musician
     16. model; example; fine example
     17. to follow; to imitate; to follow the example of
     18. “Army” (䷆): the seventh hexagram of the I Ching
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