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Chinese Word of the Day

xué xiào



Chinese > English
     1. Simplified form of 學校
     1. n. school
           上 不 了liǎo 好 學校 - to be unable to get into a good school
           去 學校 當 實習 老師 - to do teaching work experience at a school
           他 在 家 說 方言,在 學校 說 普通話。 - He speaks the local dialect at home and Standard Mandarin at school.
           我 喺 一 間 學校haau6 做嘢。 - I work at a school.
           他 的 兒子zi 在 一 所 私立.學校 就學。 - His son studies in a private school.
           去 學校 怎樣 行? - tr=Kó̤ hŏk-hâu cuōng-iông giàng?, How can I go to the school?, MD, a=Cdo_how_to_go_to_school.ogg
English > Chinese
     1. 學校
     2. 一群(魚)
     3. 教育
     1. Variant of 學
     2. Variant of 孛
     1. Variant of 勃
     2. Variant of 渤
     3. Variant of 脖
     4. Variant of 餑
xué, xiáo
     1. to learn; to study
           學習 - to study; to learn
           我 打算 學 攝影。 - I plan to learn photography.
           我 父母親 希望 我 學 醫,但是 我 不 願意。 - My parents hoped I would study medicine, but I didn't want to.
           老師 叫 極 佢 都 唔 肯 學 講 唔該。 - He refuses to learn to say thank you, even though his teacher asked him many times.
     2. to imitate; to copy; to mimic
           鸚鵡 學 人 語。 - Parrots imitate human speech.
           我 妹妹 什麼 都 學 我。 - My little sister likes to copy everything I do.
           學 人哋 用 叉 食飯 - imitate others and use a fork to eat
     3. school
           上學 - to go to school
           小學 - primary school
           學費 - school fees
     4. learning; knowledge
           求學 - to seek knowledge
           才疏學淺 - to be of humble talent and shallow learning
     5. theory; doctrine
           儒學 - Confucianism
     6. subject; branch of learning; science; -ology
           化學 - chemistry
           生物學 - biology
           哲學 - philosophy
     7. (obsolete) Alternative form of 斆 (to teach; to instruct; to train)
     8. (zh-used, 學鳩)
     1. school; college; university
           軍校 - military school
     2. (military) field officer
     3. (historical) horsekeeper official
     4. to proofread; to check; to compare
     5. (printing) proof
     6. (Cantonese) to adjust
           校gaau3 返 啱 隻 錶 - to adjust a watch to the correct time
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xué xiào

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