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Chinese Word of the Day

shí yī yuè



Chinese > English
     1. n. November
     2. n. (the modern name for the eleventh month of the Chinese lunar calendar)
English > Chinese
     1. 名词. 十一月
     1. num. eleven; 11
     2. num. one tenth
     3. n. National Day of the People's Republic of China (1 October)
     4. n. minority
     1. n. January
     2. n. first month of the Chinese lunar calendar
     1. ten
     2. (figurative) topmost; utmost
           十分 - very
           十全十美 - perfect
     1. one
           一 長 一 短 - yī cháng yī duǎn - one short and one long
           一 死 一 傷 - yī sǐ yī shāng - one dead, one injured
           一 高 一 低 - yī gāo yī dī - one high and one low
           一 天 一 夜 - yī tiān yī yè - one day and one night
           一 日 一 夜 - jat1 jat6 jat1 je6 - one day and one night, C
           一 左 一 右 - yī zuǒ yī yòu - one left, one right
     2. each; every
           給 他 們 一 人 一 顆 蘋果。 (Gěi tā men yī rén yī kē píngguǒ.) - Give them an apple each.
     3. single; alone
           獨自 一 人 - dúzì yī rén - a solitary person, one person
           專一 - zhuānyī - single-minded, monogamous
     4. whole; entire; all: throughout
           他們 在 海灘 上 玩 了 一 下午。 (Tāmen zài hǎitān shàng wán le yī xiàwǔ.) - They played the whole afternoon on the beach.
     5. same; identical
           大小 不一 - dàxiǎo bùyī - not having the same size
           大細 不一 - daai6 sai3 bat1 jat1 - not having the same size, C
     6. (classical) another; alternative
           蟋蟀,一 名 促織。 (Xīshuài, yī míng cùzhī.) - Crickets, also called cùzhī lit. another name being cùzhī.
     7. (formal) certain aforementioned
           「旋律」一 詞 中 的「旋」字 - “xuánlǜ” yī cí zhōng de “xuán” zì - the character (m-lite, zh, sc=Hani, 旋) within the word m-lite, zh, sc=Hani, 旋律
     8. With the verb modified reduplicated, expressing the transience of the verb:
     9.    Indicating that the action has occurred only once
     10.    看 一 看 - kàn yī kàn - to have a look
     11.    望 一 望 - mong6 jat1 mong6 - to have a look, C
     12.    Indicating the intention to try
     13.    算 一 算 - suàn yī suàn - to try to calculate it
     14.    計 一 計 - gai3 jat1 gai3 - to try to calculate it, C
     15. once; as soon as; upon
           一 到 OP 就 卡。 (Yī dào OP jiù kǎ.) - It slows down once I get to the opening.
           我 一 拍 了 照片,她 就 立即 成為 眾人 矚目 的 焦點。 (Wǒ yī pāi le zhàopiàn, tā jiù lìjí chéngwèi zhòngrén zhǔmù de jiāodiǎn.) - As soon as I took a picture, she ran towards the limelight.
           一見如故 - yījiànrúgù - to hit it off
           一至於此 - yīzhìyúcǐ - How did things ever get so far?
     16. (gay slang) top
           一號 - yīhào - a top
     17. (Cantonese, argot, euphemistic) to die
     18. =====Usage notes=====
     19. (music) Kunqu gongche notation for the note low ti (7̣).
     20. one
     21. each; every
     22. whole; entire; all
     23. (Beijing) one
     24. =====Usage notes=====
     1. (literary or dialectal) moon
     2. moon-shaped objects
     3. (literary) moonlight
     4. month
           Synonyms: 月份, wuu:號頭
     5. monthly
           月薪 - yuèxīn - monthly wage
     6. Variant of 肉
     7. Variant of 夕
     8. Variant of 明
     1. night; evening; dusk
     2. Simplified form of 穸
     3. Variant of 月
     4. Variant of 明
     1. bright; light; brilliant
           明月 - splendid moon
     2. clear; limpid (transparent; light-conducting; not obscured)
           窗明几淨 - a neat place (literally, "the window is clear, the desk is clean")
     3. manifest; apparent (easily seen, perceived, or detected)
           明顯 - obvious
           明瞭 - apparent; simple and clear
           明 槍 易 躲,暗箭 難 防 - It is easy to dodge an open attack, but difficult to defend against a concealed one.
     4. vision; sight (the ability to see)
           失明 - to be blind; to lose eyesight
     5. (of vision) acute; sharp; keen
           耳聰目明 - sharp at hearing and vision
     6. (figurative) intellect; knowledge; judgement; discernment; sensibility
           無明 - ignorance
     7. (figurative) intelligent; sensible; informed; wise
           明智 - wise; sensible
           英明 - wise
     8. to understand; to know
           講明 - to explain
           明事理 - sensible; capable
           你 唔 明 一定 要 出聲。 - If you don't understand you must speak up.
           我 真係 唔係 好 明 點解(……) - I really don't get why (…)
     9. evidently
           明知故問 - to ask intentionally a question one already knows the answer to
     10. (literary) to make known
           開宗明義 - to make clear the main idea at the beginning in one's speech or writing
     11. next; following
           明天 - tomorrow
           明年 - next year or the following year
           今 冬 明 春 - this winter and next spring
     12. (literary) tomorrow
     13. Ming dynasty
     14. , listed as #111 on the Baijiaxing
     15. (Chinese linguistics) the Middle Chinese initial of 明
ròu, rù
     1. meat; flesh
           豬肉 - pork
           牛肉 - beef
           我 從不 吃 肉。 - I never eat meat.
           這 種 魚 的 肉 異常 鮮美。 - The flesh of this kind of fish has exceptional delicacy.
           不久,鬣狗 便可 飽餐一頓 這些 死 了 的 動物 的 肉。 - Soon, the hyenas could then feast on the flesh of these dead animals.
     2. (specifically) pork
           肉三鮮 的 餃子zi - three delicious ingredient pork dumpling
           蒜薹 炒 肉 - garlic chive and pork stir-fry
     3. body
           肉體 - physical body -
     4. flesh; pulp
           這 桃子zi 肉 味 甜 汁 多。 - The flesh of the peach was sweet and juicy.
     5. (ACG) media; video
           生肉 - raws (not fansubbed videos or clips -)
           熟肉 - localized, subbed(, - or dubbed media)
           烤肉 - localized, subbed(, - or dubbed media, with detailed effects)
     6. (archaic) edge; brim; an outer part of a ring-shaped object (such as coin or jade annulus)
     7. (archaic, of sound and music) rich; substantial
     8. (dialectal Mandarin) spongy; squashy; flabby
           這 西瓜 瓤兒r 太 肉 了。 - The pulp of this watermelon is too spongy.
     9. (dialectal Mandarin) slow; sluggish
           這 個 人 做事 真 肉。 - This person does everything sluggishly.
     10. meat; flesh
           豬肉 - pork, MN
           牛肉 - beef, MN
     11. (specifically) pork
           肉骨 - pork ribs, MN
     12. flesh; pulp
           龍眼乾 肉 - flesh of dried longan, MN
     13. main part of an object
           刀肉 - blade of a knife or sword, MN


shí yī yuè

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