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Conjugation of the Spanish verb bailar

A list of the common conjugations for the Spanish verb bailar, along with their English translations.

bailarto dance

yo bailoI dance
tú bailasyou dance
él bailahe dances
ella bailashe dances
nosotros bailamoswe dance
vosotros bailáisyou dance
ellos bailanthey dance
ellas bailanthey dance

yo bailabaI was dancing
tú bailabasyou were dancing
él bailabahe was dancing
ella bailabashe was dancing
nosotros bailábamoswe were dancing
vosotros bailabaisyou were dancing
ellos bailabanthey were dancing
ellas bailabanthey were dancing

yo bailéI danced
tú bailasteyou danced
él bailóhe danced
ella bailóshe danced
nosotros bailamoswe danced
vosotros bailasteisyou danced
ellos bailaronthey danced
ellas bailaronthey danced

Present perfect/Pretérito perfectoScored
yo he bailadoI have danced
tú has bailadoyou have danced
él ha bailadohe has danced
ella ha bailadoshe has danced
nosotros hemos bailadowe have danced
vosotros habéis bailadoyou have danced
ellos han bailadothey have danced
ellas han bailadothey have danced

Pluperfect / Pretérito pluscuamperfectoScored
yo había bailadoI had danced
tú habías bailadoyou had danced
él había bailadohe had danced
ella había bailadoshe had danced
nosotros habíamos bailadowe had danced
vosotros habíais bailadoyou had danced
ellos habían bailadothey had danced
ellas habían bailadothey had danced

yo bailaréI will dance
tú bailarásyou will dance
él bailaráhe will dance
ella bailaráshe will dance
nosotros bailaremoswe will dance
vosotros bailaréisyou will dance
ellos bailaránthey will dance
ellas bailaránthey will dance

Future Perfect / Futuro perfectoScored
yo habré bailadoI will have danced
tú habrás bailadoyou will have danced
él habrá bailadohe will have danced
ella habrá bailadoshe will have danced
nosotros habremos bailadowe will have danced
vosotros habréis bailadoyou will have danced
ellos habrán bailadothey will have danced
ellas habrán bailadothey will have danced

yo bailaríaI would dance
tú bailaríasyou would dance
él bailaríahe would dance
ella bailaríashe would dance
nosotros bailaríamoswe would dance
vosotros bailaríaisyou would dance
ellos bailaríanthey would dance
ellas bailaríanthey would dance

Conditional Perfect / Condicional perfecto
The Spanish Conditional Perfect (the past conditional) or Condicional perfecto is made with the conditional tense of haber and the past participle of the verb.
yo habría bailadoI would have danced
tú habrías bailadoyou would have danced
él habría bailadohe would have danced
ella habría bailadoshe would have danced
nosotros habríamos bailadowe would have danced
vosotros habríais bailadoyou would have danced
ellos habrían bailadothey would have danced
ellas habrían bailadothey would have danced

Present SubjunctiveScored
(... que) yo baile(... that) I dance
(... que) tú bailes(... that) you dance
(... que) él baile(... that) he dances
(... que) ella baile(... that) she dances
(... que) nosotros bailemos(... that) we dance
(... que) vosotros bailéis(... that) you dance
(... que) ellos bailen(... that) they dance
(... que) ellas bailen(... that) they dance

Imperfect SubjunctiveScored
(... que) yo bailara(... that) I was dancing
(... que) tú bailaras(... that) you were dancing
(... que) él bailara(... that) he was dancing
(... que) ella bailara(... that) she was dancing
(... que) nosotros bailáramos(... that) we were dancing
(... que) vosotros bailarais(... that) you were dancing
(... que) ellos bailaran(... that) they were dancing
(... que) ellas bailaran(... that) they were dancing

baila Dance
bailemosLet's dance
bailen Dance

Present ParticipleScored
bailando dancing

Past ParticipleScored
bailado danced

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Irregular conjugation
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