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Conjugation of the Spanish verb alcanzar

A list of the common conjugations for the Spanish verb alcanzar, along with their English translations.

alcanzarto reach

yo alcanzoI reach
tú alcanzasyou reach
él alcanzahe reaches
ella alcanzashe reaches
nosotros alcanzamoswe reach
vosotros alcanzáisyou reach
ellos alcanzanthey reach
ellas alcanzanthey reach

yo alcanzabaI was reaching
tú alcanzabasyou were reaching
él alcanzabahe was reaching
ella alcanzabashe was reaching
nosotros alcanzábamoswe were reaching
vosotros alcanzabaisyou were reaching
ellos alcanzabanthey were reaching
ellas alcanzabanthey were reaching

yo alcancéI reached
tú alcanzasteyou reached
él alcanzóhe reached
ella alcanzóshe reached
nosotros alcanzamoswe reached
vosotros alcanzasteisyou reached
ellos alcanzaronthey reached
ellas alcanzaronthey reached

yo he alcanzadoI reached
tú has alcanzadoyou reached
él ha alcanzadohe reached
ella ha alcanzadoshe reached
nosotros hemos alcanzadowe reached
vosotros habéis alcanzadoyou reached
ellos han alcanzadothey reached
ellas han alcanzadothey reached

Pluperfect / Pretérito pluscuamperfectoScored
yo había alcanzadoI had reached
tú habías alcanzadoyou had reached
él había alcanzadohe had reached
ella había alcanzadoshe had reached
nosotros habíamos alcanzadowe had reached
vosotros habíais alcanzadoyou had reached
ellos habían alcanzadothey had reached
ellas habían alcanzadothey had reached

yo alcanzaréI will reach
tú alcanzarásyou will reach
él alcanzaráhe will reach
ella alcanzaráshe will reach
nosotros alcanzaremoswe will reach
vosotros alcanzaréisyou will reach
ellos alcanzaránthey will reach
ellas alcanzaránthey will reach

Future Perfect / Futuro perfectoScored
yo habré alcanzadoI will have reached
tú habrás alcanzadoyou will have reached
él habrá alcanzadohe will have reached
ella habrá alcanzadoshe will have reached
nosotros habremos alcanzadowe will have reached
vosotros habréis alcanzadoyou will have reached
ellos habrán alcanzadothey will have reached
ellas habrán alcanzadothey will have reached

yo alcanzaríaI would reach
tú alcanzaríasyou would reach
él alcanzaríahe would reach
ella alcanzaríashe would reach
nosotros alcanzaríamoswe would reach
vosotros alcanzaríaisyou would reach
ellos alcanzaríanthey would reach
ellas alcanzaríanthey would reach

Conditional Perfect / Condicional perfecto
The Spanish Conditional Perfect (the past conditional) or Condicional perfecto is made with the conditional tense of haber and the past participle of the verb.
yo habría alcanzadoI would have reached
tú habrías alcanzadoyou would have reached
él habría alcanzadohe would have reached
ella habría alcanzadoshe would have reached
nosotros habríamos alcanzadowe would have reached
vosotros habríais alcanzadoyou would have reached
ellos habrían alcanzadothey would have reached
ellas habrían alcanzadothey would have reached

Present SubjunctiveScored
(... que) yo alcance(... that) I reach
(... que) tú alcances(... that) you reach
(... que) él alcance(... that) he reaches
(... que) ella alcance(... that) she reaches
(... que) nosotros alcancemos(... that) we reach
(... que) vosotros alcancéis(... that) you reach
(... que) ellos alcancen(... that) they reach
(... que) ellas alcancen(... that) they reach

Imperfect SubjunctiveScored
(... que) yo alcanzara(... that) I was reaching
(... que) tú alcanzaras(... that) you were reaching
(... que) él alcanzara(... that) he was reaching
(... que) ella alcanzara(... that) she was reaching
(... que) nosotros alcanzáramos(... that) we were reaching
(... que) vosotros alcanzarais(... that) you were reaching
(... que) ellos alcanzaran(... that) they were reaching
(... que) ellas alcanzaran(... that) they were reaching

alcancemosLet's reach

Present ParticipleScored
alcanzando reaching

Past ParticipleScored
alcanzado reached

Regular conjugation
Irregular conjugation

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