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The Portuguese word for to kick is
dar um pontapé

to kick

Portuguese Definition

     1. chutar
     2. chute, pontapé
     3. (eu) chuto

Translations for kick and their definitions

     1. v. (sports) to kick (a ball)
     2. v. to inject (a drug) intravenously, to shoot up
     3. v. (Brazil) to kick (to strike with or raise the foot or leg)
     4. v. (Brazil) to take a guess

     1. n-m. (Brazil) kick
     2. v. verb form of chutar

     1. n-m. kick (with the toe)
     2. n-m. (figurative) mistake, blunder
           Um pontapé na gramática. - A grammatical blunder.

     1. v. (Internet slang) to kick (to forcibly remove a participant from an online activity)

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