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Russian Vocabulary

Set 1

If you're new to Russian this is the page to start with on Lexis Rex. Below is a small set of words to begin learning, go through the set and each day learn two or three or more new words. Once you know a handful of words, you can start playing our games to reinforce your familiarity with them and start building your vocabulary and game scores. When you have learnt the whole set, there are 9 more Beginner sets to continue with, or you can try out the Intermediate games.

English Russian Pronounce Images
bird птицаptitsapronunciationптица
one одинodinpronunciation
three триtripronunciation
two дваdvapronunciation
face лицоlitsopronunciationлицо
hand кистьkist'pronunciationкисть
head головаgolovapronunciationголова
heart сердцеserdtsepronunciationсердце
door дверьdver'pronunciationдверь
home домdompronunciationдом
light светильникsvetil'nikpronunciationсветильник
table столstolpronunciationстол
car машинаmashinapronunciationмашина
shirt рубашкаrubashkapronunciationрубашка
to drink питьpit'pronunciationпить
to eat естьyest'pronunciationесть
to hold держатьderzhat'pronunciationдержать
to listen слушатьslushat'pronunciationслушать
to look смотретьsmotret'pronunciationсмотреть
to run бегатьbegat'pronunciationбегать
to talk разговариватьrazgovarivat'pronunciationразговаривать
to turn поворачиватьpovorachivat'pronunciationповорачивать
river рекаrekapronunciationрека
boy мальчикmal'chikpronunciationмальчик
father папаpapapronunciationпапа
friend другdrugpronunciationдруг
girl девочкаdevochkapronunciationдевочка
man мужчинаmuzhchinapronunciationмужчина
mother мамаmamapronunciationмама
son сынsynpronunciationсын
woman женщинаzhenshchinapronunciationженщина
book книгаknigapronunciationкнига
school школаshkolapronunciationшкола
Monday понедельникponedel'nikpronunciation
Tuesday вторникvtornikpronunciation


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