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The Dutch word for head is


Translations for head and their definitions

     1. n. cup (for drinking)
     2. n. (metonymic) A cup's content, a helping of beverage (especially warm) served in a cup
           Nog een kopje thee?
             (Do you want) another cup of tea?
     3. n. animal's head (except usually horses)
           Buldogs hebben een angstaanjagende kop.
             Bulldogs have a scary head.
     4. n. (informal sometimes derogatory) human head
           Hou je kop!
             Shut up!
     5. n. (colloquial by extension) A (male) human.
           Wat een kwaaie kop!
             Now that's an angry guy!
     6. n. The head of a nail, pin etc.
           Je slaat de spijker op de kop.
             You hit the nail on the head.
     7. n. The front, the lead, e.g. in a race; charge, control.
           De underdog ligt op kop.
             The underdog is in the lead.
     8. n. Heading of a piece of text
     9. n. Newspaper headline
     10. n. Heads, the side of a coin or banknote on which a head may be printed.
     11. v. first-person singular present indicative of koppen
     12. v. imperative of koppen

     1. n. An unhealthy elargment of a bird's gullet
     2. n. A tissue growth, goitre, notably struma
     3. n. By extension, the throat or rather the whole neck
     4. n. (metonymy) An anxiety, any emotion felt as a lump in throat, e.g. caused by fear or grief
     5. n. The head (capitulum)of certain plants, especially lettuce
     6. n. Various objects resembling such shapes, notably:
     7. n.   

     1. v. to lead, guide

     1. n. foam

     1. n. (anatomy) head
     2. n. head (of an organisation), chief, boss
     3. n. a breakwater, jetty or pier at the entrance of a sea harbour

     1. n. Plural form of aanvoer
     2. v. to supply
     3. v. to command
     4. n. Plural form of aanvoer

     1. n. A boss, chief, superior
     2. n. An employer; a manager
     3. n. (Belgium) a strong, tough guy
     4. n. (video gaming) a boss
     5. n. (figuratively) a crack, master, expert at something
     6. n. (figuratively) a whopper, a large one in its kind
     7. n. (diminutive: baasje) a fellow, boy, especially a youngling or novice

     1. n. (female) boss, chief, superior
     2. n. (female) employer

     1. n. leader, head, chief

     1. n. leader, head, chief
     2. n. lodestar, pole star

     1. n. A boss, chief, head, leader
     2. n. Short for a title including chef, e.g. a culinary chef

     1. n. a female boss or the wife of a boss

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