Lexis Rex ホーム



     1. adv. et cetera
     2. suffix. rank, class, order
     3. suffix. et cetera, that kind of thing, and so on
     4. suffix. Usage: For the et cetera sense, the tō reading is somewhat more formal than the nado reading.
     5. adv. et cetera, that kind of thing, and so on
           魚や肉等 - things like fish or meat, fish and meat et cetera / and other such things
     6. adv. Usage: For the et cetera sense, the tō reading is somewhat more formal than the nado reading.
     7. adv. Usage: Often spelled in hiragana, as など.
     8. adv. Usage: Largely superseded by the nado reading above.
     9. adv. Usage: May be spelled in hiragana, as なんど.
     10. suffix. pluralizer
           我、我等、これ、これ等 - I, we, this, these
     11. suffix. qualifier, softener: around abouts
           今日等、そこ等辺 - roughly today, that area around there
     12. suffix. Usage: Often spelled in hiragana, as .


