Lexis Rex ホーム



     1. Usage: , 子 is also an obsolete variant form of the katakana .
     2. n. a child
           男の子: male child → boy
           いい子: good boy; good girl
     3. n. (figuratively) a girl, especially a dear or desired one (q-lite, compare use of English m-lite, en, baby), m-lite, en, babe
     4. n. (endearing) creature
           この子は「ミシシッピアカミミガメ」と言います。 - This little guy is called a "red-eared slider".
           この子は噛みます。 - This little fella might bite.
     5. n. a smaller or younger version of a bigger object
           木の子: tree + child/little one →
           竹の子: bamboo + child/little one →
     6. n. (hanafuda card games, by extension, board games, gambling) person who is dealt cards
           (coordinate terms, ja, 親, tr=oya)
     7. prefix. an object which has a subservient or derivative role relative to another object
           子会社: derivative + company → a subsidiary
           子犬: derivative + dog → a puppy
     8. suffix. (n-g-lite, suffix used in female given names, such as) 智子, , Tomoko, 英子, , Eiko, 秀子, , Hideko, 美奈子, , Minako
     9. suffix. (rare) (suffix used in male given names)
     10. suffix. an object having a particular state or property (q-lite, sometimes diminutive)
           振子: an object that swings → a pendulum
     11. suffix. roe (gloss-lite, only when preceded by a fish name, or fish-related prefix)
     12. affix. a child
     13. affix. an honorific for a learned man, such as teacher or master
     14. affix. a philosophy branch of Chinese literature, either derived from or outside of the (Hundred Schools of Thought)
     15. affix. an object which has a subservient or derivative role relative to another object
     16. affix. an object having a particular state or property (q-lite, sometimes diminutive)
           中性子: neutral + small thing → a neutron
           椅子: chair + small thing → a chair
     17. affix. Usage: * This affix is never used in isolation. It is only used in (glink/ja, on'yomi) compounds.
     18. affix. Usage: * In some kanji compounds, , 子 is part of the word but does not carry much meaning in Japanese, as in 椅子. Possibly because of this erosion of meaning, spelling out 子 in some compo
     19. affix. Usage: * In some compounds, the shi or su reading becomes voiced as ji or zu due to (glink/ja, rendaku).
     20. syllable. (dated until the 19th century) variant katakana syllable


     1. 名詞. 複数:children
     2. 名詞. こども、子供、こ、子

     1. 名詞. 仔やぎ。
     2. 名詞. 仔やぎの革。
     3. 名詞. 子供。
     4. 動詞. からかう、ふざける。
     5. 動詞. 冗談を言う。

     1. 名詞. 若い狐。
     2. 名詞. 幼獣。
     3. 名詞. 小僧。
     4. 名詞. (廃語)牛小屋。
     5. 名詞. (廃語)食器棚。
     6. 動詞. 幼獣を出産する。
     7. 動詞. 子狐を狩る。
     8. 動詞. (廃語)黙らせたり閉じ込めたりする。

