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Англи́йское Слово Дня




Английский > Русский
     1. кошка, кот
      The cat that walked by himself - Кошка, которая гуляла сама по себе
     2. представитель семейства кошачьих (тигр, лев и т. д.)
      … it is the head of a man-eating cat, possibly the jaguar - … это голова кошки-людоеда, возможно ягуараS. G. Morley , The Foremost Intellectual Achievement of Ancient America , 1922
     3. (презр.) сварливая женщина (пример)
     4. (сленг), (амер.) сокр. от catfish; сом (пример)
     5. (муз.), (сленг) джазовый музыкант, любитель джаза (пример)
     6. (устар.), (сленг) парень, мужчина, чувак
      He's one cool cat. - Это действительно клёвый чувак.
     7. (мор.) кат (тали для подъёма якоря на борт)
      Ease the anchor down by the cathead stopper until the cat has the weight. - Осторожно опускайте якорь при помощи кат-балочного стопора до тех пор, пока кат не начнет его держать.G. S. Nares, Seamanship, 1868
     8. (истор.) плеть, кошка (орудие телесного наказания)
      Murray took the cat and flogged me. I remember 25 lashes … - Марри взял кошку и высек меня. Помню 25 ударов … , 1866
     9. (истор.), (мор.) сокр. от catboat; тип одномачтового парусника (пример)
     10. (сленг) сокр. от caterpillar; бульдозер, гусеничный трактор
      He drives cat all day long. - Он весь день трактор водит.Eugene H. Casad , , 1995
     11. (устар.), (сленг) проститутка, шлюха
      'Fuck the dirty little cat!' The whore leans over me with narrow, excited eyes… Henry Miller , Under the Roofs of Paris, 1941
Английский > Английский
     1. n. An animal of the family Felidae:
     2. n.          A domesticated subspecies (Felis silvestris catus) of feline animal, commonly kept as a house pet.
     3. n.          Any similar animal of the family Felidae, which includes lions, tigers, bobcats, etc.
     4. n. A person:
     5. n.          (offensive) A spiteful or angry woman.
     6. n.          An enthusiast or player of jazz.
     7. n.          (slang) A person (usually male).
     8. n.          (slang) A prostitute.
     9. n. (nautical) A strong tackle used to hoist an anchor to the cathead of a ship.
     10. n. (chiefly nautical) Short form of cat-o'-nine-tails.
     11. n. (archaic) A sturdy merchant sailing vessel (now only in "catboat").
     12. n. (archaic) The game of "trap and ball" (also called "cat and dog").
     13. n.          The trap of the game of "trap and ball".
     14. n. (archaic) The pointed piece of wood that is struck in the game of tipcat.
     15. n. (slang) A vagina, a vulva; the female external genitalia.
     16. n. A double tripod (for holding a plate, etc.) with six feet, of which three rest on the ground, in whatever position it is placed.
     17. n. (historical) A wheeled shelter, used in the Middle Ages as a siege weapon to allow assailants to approach enemy defences.
     18. v. (nautical, transitive) To hoist (the anchor) by its ring so that it hangs at the cathead.
     19. v. (nautical, transitive) To flog with a cat-o'-nine-tails.
     20. v. (slang) To vomit something.
     21. n. A catamaran.
     22. n. (computing) A program and command in Unix that reads one or more files and directs their content to the standard output.
     23. v. (computing, transitive) To apply the cat command to (one or more files).
     24. v. (computing, slang) To dump large amounts of data on (an unprepared target) usually with no intention of browsing it carefully.
     25. adj. (Ireland, informal) Terrible, disastrous.
           The weather was cat, so they returned home early.
     26. n. (slang) A street name of the drug methcathinone.
     27. n. (military, naval) A catapult.
           a carrier's bow cats
     28. n. abbreviation of category
     29. n. A catfish.
     30. n. (slang) Any of a variety of earth-moving machines. (from their manufacturer Caterpillar Inc.)
     31. n. A caterpillar drive vehicle (a ground vehicle which uses caterpillar tracks), especially tractors, trucks, minibuses, and snow groomers.
Русский > Английский
     1. n. cat
           жить как кошка с собакой, to lead a cat-and-dog life, inline=1
           играть в кошки-мышки, play cat-and-mouse, inline=1
           ночью все кошки серы, at night all cats are gray, inline=1
           у него кошки скребут на сердце, he is sick at heart (very upset), inline=1
     2. n. cat-o'-nine-tails
     3. n. (technical) grapnel, drag
     4. n. (technical) grappel fork
     5. n. (cranes) car, trolley, carriage
     6. n. (geology) spit, bar
     7. n. (in the plural) climbing irons, climbing grapplers



Примеры Предложений

Are you a dog person or a cat person?
    Ты собачник или кошатник?
The cat is in the house.
    Кот в доме.
The cat is writing a book.
    Кошка пишет книгу.
There was no cat.
    Там не было кошки.
The thing is, our cat died yesterday.
    Дело в том, что наша кошка вчера умерла.

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