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The Swedish word for tea is


a teaen te
the teateet
the teasteerna

Translations for tea and their definitions

     1. n. tea (the tree, its dried leaves and the drink made from them)
     2. v. to appear
           (sv - Och gräshopporna tedde sig såsom hästar - rustade till strid. - t=And the shapes of the locusts were like unto horses prepared unto battle (Revelations 9:7))

     1. n. the enjoyment of coffee (or tea) as a social activity
     2. n. a break from work or other activities, usually with coffee or tea
     3. n. a light informal snack or meal in mid-morning or mid-afternoon similar to the English concept of afternoon tea
     4. v. to have fika (all senses)
     5. v. (archaic) to strive for, to work hard; to desire, often with the preposition efter
           (sv, att fika efter makt, to desire/strive for power)
     6. v. (archaic) to hurry

     1. n. a brew

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