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The Swedish word for page is


a pageen sida
the pagesidan
the pagessidorna

Translations for page and their definitions

     1. n. side; a bounding straight edge or surface
           En kub har sex sidor
             A cube has six sides
     2. n. side; a region in a specified position with respect to something.
     3. n. side; one group of competitors in a game or a war.
     4. n. page; one surface of a sheet of paper.
     5. n. site; a website or internet site
     6. v. (sports) to seed (a player into a competition), more commonly seeda
           Hon har sidats in i första startledet och tilldelats startnummer 21.
             She was seeded into the first line, starting as number 21.
     7. v. (colloquial) to side (with), to be allied with
           Det var inte så att britterna sidade med araberna
             It wasn't so that the Brits sided with the Arabs

     1. n. (botany) Blade, leaf; an organ of a plant.
     2. n. Page; one side of a leaf of a book
     3. n. Leaf, sheet; a piece of paper
     4. n. Blade; the sharp-edged or pointed working end of a tool or utensil

     1. n. page, serving boy

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