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The Swedish word for cup is


a cupen kopp
the cupkoppen
the cupskopparna

Translations for cup and their definitions

     1. n. cup; a container for (hot) drinks

     1. n. coffee cup; a cup for drinking coffee from
     2. n. coffee cup; a measure of about 1.5 dl. As a kitchen measure somewhat less than an English cup.

     1. n. a hood, cover
     2. n. a cup (of a bra)
     3. n. (short for “bikupa”) a beehive
     4. v. to fold one’s hand as into a cup
     5. v. to earth up; to cover the stem of a plant with soil

     1. v. hold; grip
           Håll i pennan så här
           Hold the pen like this
     2. v. hold; to cause to wait
           Håll hissen!
           Hold the elevator!
     3. v. hold; arrange a social event, e.g. a party, a (larger) meeting or a conference
           Nästa års konferens kommer hållas i Rotterdam.
           Next year's conference will be held in Rotterdam.
     4. v. keep
     5. v. restrain, restrict
     6. v. to fulfill (a promise)
     7. v. to remain in a good condition, not to get spoiled
     8. v. preserve
     9. v. (reflexive) stay
           Han höll sig inomhus när det var så kallt igår.
           He kept indoors yesterday as it was so cold.
     10. v. to maintain, to keep from changing; to stop moving
           Håll temperaturen på en jämn nivå.
           Keep the temperature at an even level.
     11. v. to raise animals (chiefly for food)
     12. v. to neither tear nor break; to remain intact or in a functional condition
           Vasen höll trots att den föll i golvet
           The vase didn't break although it fell to the floor

     1. n. Cup; a trophy
     2. n. (rare) cup; a contest

     1. n. a tournament

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