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The Swedish word for cliff is


a cliffen klippa
the cliffklippan
the cliffsklipporna

Translations for cliff and their definitions

     1. n. a rock, a cliff
     2. n. a steadfast person
           Så säger ock jag dig att du är Petrus; och på denna klippa skall jag bygga min församling
             And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church (Matthew 16:18)
     3. v. to cut with scissors, in particular to cut somebody's hair
     4. v. (reflexive) to let someone cut one's hair, to have a haircut
     5. v. to cut; to cease recording activities
     6. v. to perform film editing
     7. v. to cut a credit card into pieces in order to invalidate it

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