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The Swedish word for class is


a classen klass
the classklassen
the classesklasserna

Translations for class and their definitions

     1. n. class
     2. n. a group, collection, category or set sharing characteristics or attributes.
     3. n. a group of students or pupils regularly taking classes together, with a teacher
     4. n. a group of students or pupils in a given class room, studying together
     5. n. a social grouping, based on job, wealth, etc.; the division of society into such classes
     6. n. admirable behavior or qualities
     7. n. a category of seats in a train or airplane
     8. n. a rank in the classification of organisms, below phylum and above order

     1. v. to classify, to categorize

     1. n. course, class (learning program, or series of classes covering a single subject)
     2. n. course, the intended passage of voyage
     3. n. indefinite genitive singular of kur

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