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Spanish Phrase of the Day

ve doble


Spanish > Spanish
ve doble
     1. Nombre de la letra 'w'.
     1. v. informal second-person singular positive imperative of ir
          1. v. to go (away from speaker and listener)
                Nos gusta ir al cine. - We like to go to the movies.
          2. v. to come (towards or with the listener)
                Quiero ir contigo. - I want to come with you.
                Iré a tu casa. - I'll come to your house.
          1. v. to see, to spot
                Vine, vi, vencí. - I came, I saw, I conquered.
                Sí, con mis propios ojos, lo vi robar el dinero. - Yes, with my own eyes, I saw him steal the money.
          2. v. to see, to look at, to view (perceive)
                Hmm. Ya veo... - Hmm. I see...
     1. adj. double
     2. adj. twofold
     3. n-m. (quantity) double, twice as much
     4. n. (folklore) a doppleganger, a double
     5. v. formal second-person singular affirmative imperative of doblar
          1. v. to fold
          2. v. to double
          3. v. to bend, to turn
          4. v. to dub
          5. v. to lap (to overtake a straggler in a race by completing one more whole lap than the straggler)

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