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Spanish Phrase of the Day

vaya con Dios


Spanish > English
vaya con Dios
     1. Phrase. Godspeed
     1. interj. expresses surprise: wow!, why, oh!, whoa!, well!, man!, boy!
     2. interj. expresses dismay, worry, indignation or frustration: gee!, jeez!, gosh!, why, man!, oh dear!
     3. interj. (before a noun) what a ...
           ¡Vaya coche que tiene tu hermana! - What a car your sister has!
     4. interj. (colloquial at the end of a sentence) you know, like, y'know
          1. v. to go (away from speaker and listener)
                Nos gusta ir al cine. - We like to go to the movies.
          2. v. to come (towards or with the listener)
                Quiero ir contigo. - I want to come with you.
                Iré a tu casa. - I'll come to your house.
     1. prep. with
     2. prep. on
           Yo cuento con ustedes. - I count on you.
     1. Proper noun. God
     2. n-m. god
          1. v. informal second-person singular positive imperative of decir
                Dile lo que te di. - Tell him what I gave you.
          2. v. informal second-person singular positive imperative of decir
                Dile lo que te di. - Tell him what I gave you.
          1. v. to give, to give out
          2. v. to hand over
          3. v. to hit
                Me han dado en la cabeza. - They hit me on my head.
          4. v. to emit
          1. pron. you, to you, for you; dative and accusative of vosotros

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