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Spanish Phrase of the Day

para siempre


Spanish > English
para siempre
     1. adv. forever
     1. prep. for, to (expressing a recipient)
           La niña compró un regalo de navidad para su abuela. - The girl bought a Christmas gift for her grandmother.
           Ahora me gustaría hacer un truco de magia para ustedes. - I'd now like to perform a magic trick for you all.
     2. prep. to, in order to, so, for (expressing the intended purpose of an action)
           Estudio cada noche sin descanso para conseguir un trabajo decente al fin de todo esto. - I study every night tirelessly so that I get a decent job at the end of all this.
          1. v. to stop, halt
          2. v. to put up, stand up
          3. v. to lift, raise
          4. v. to stand up
          5. v. to situate oneself
     1. adv. always
           ¿Por qué siempre me mientes? - Why do you always lie to me?
           Las cosas no siempre han sido así. - Things haven't always been that way.
     2. adv. in spite of it, still...at least
           Pase lo que pase, nosotros siempre estaremos juntos. - Whatever happens, we'll still be together at least.

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