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Spanish Phrase of the Day

aun así


     1. adv. even (implying an extreme example in the case mentioned)
           aun más así - even more so
           aun en ese caso - even in that case
           aun así - even so
           ¿aun? - still?
     1. adv. like this; like that; as such; thus; so; thereby; this way, that way
           ¡Así se hace! Lo hiciste genial. - That's how it's done!
           Así es la vida. - Such is life.
           Si no paras de hablar así, vas a hacerme llorar. - If you don't stop talking like that, you're going to make me cry.
     2. adv. (followed by a subjunctive clause) (used to express wishes of misfortune against someone, or to cast a spell)
          1. v. to grab; to seize
          2. v. to cling to

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