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The Latin word for coast is


Translations for coast and their definitions

     1. n. strand, shore, beach

     1. n. A border, edge
     2. n. hem, fringe, tassel

     1. n. border, rim, frontier, limit, edge
     2. n. sea coast
     3. n. region, country
     4. n. nominative plural of os
     5. n. accusative plural of os
     6. n. plural vocative of os
     7. v. second-person singular present imperative active of oro

     1. n. acts, transactions, or proceedings (e.g., of an organization, in an academic field, of an office holder).
     2. n. journal; register of public events; newspaper.
     3. =Participle. feminine singular of actus
     4. =Participle. plural of actus
     5. =Participle. feminine singular ablative of actus
     6. n. seashore, beach
     7. n. (figuratively, plural only) holiday

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