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Italian Phrase of the Day

per quanto riguarda


Italian > English
per quanto riguarda
     1. prep. as to, as for, regarding, concerning, with regard to, as regards
     1. prep. for
           Ma io l'ho fatto per te! - But I did it for you!
           Te lo vendo per appena trecento euro - I'll sell it you for only three hundred euro
           Ho studiato per tre ore - I studied for three hours
           Questo รจ il treno per Londra - This is the train for London
     1. adj. how, how much, how many
     2. adv. how, how much, how many
     3. n. quantum
     1. v. third-person singular present of riguardare
     2. v. second-person singular imperative of riguardare
          1. v. to concern, regard, be about, deal with, speak to
          2. v. to take care of, look after
          3. v. to examine, check, go over
          4. v. to look at again, have another look at

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