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Italian Phrase of the Day

in pieno


Italian > English
in pieno
     1. adv. fully, completely, totally, quite, entirely
     2. adv. exactly
     3. adv. in the middle, in the centre, straight, squarely
Italian > Italian
in pieno
     1. avv. fully, completely, totally, quite, entirely
     2. avv. exactly
     3. avv. in the middle, in the centre, straight, squarely
     1. prep. in
           Ho qualcosa in tasca. - I have got something in my pocket.
           PartirĂ² in primavera. - I will be leaving in spring.
           Vado in quinta elementare. - I'm in fifth grade of elementary school.
     2. prep. to
     1. adj. full
     2. adj. full (with food)

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