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Parola avanzata del giorno in inglese



inglese > italiano
     1. sost. (religione) preghiera
     2. sost. pregatore, uno che prega
inglese > inglese
     1. subst. A practice of communicating with one's God.
           Through prayer I ask for God's blessings.
     2. subst. The act of praying.
           In many cultures, prayer involves singing.
     3. subst. The specific words or methods used for praying.
           Christians recite the Lord's Prayer.
           For Baha'is there's a difference between obligatory and devotional prayer.
     4. subst. A meeting held for the express purpose of praying.
           Grandpa never misses a chance to go to prayer.
     5. subst. A request; a petition.
           This, your honor, is my prayer; that all here be set free.
     6. subst. (mostly in negative constructions) The remotest hope or chance.
           That team doesn't have a prayer of winning the championship.
     7. subst. One who prays.

Frasi esempio

It's a little late for prayer. 
    È un po' tardi per pregare.

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