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La palabra inglés para cortar es


Definición inglesa

     1. v. to cut
     2. v. to cut off, cut out, cut through, cut down, cut up, to nip
     3. v. to chop, chop up, chop off
     4. v. to slice, to slit
     5. v. to mow
     6. v. to slash, to hack
     7. v. to carve, to engrave
     8. v. to hang up, to terminate a telephone call
     9. v. (Chile, informal) to stop an action
           ¡Córtala!, déjame tranquilo. (Stop it! leave me alone.)
     10. v. (Chile) to shut off
           Corta el agua, por favor. (Shut the water off please.)
     11. v. to finish a relationship
           Deberías cortar con él. (You should break up with him.)
     12. v. to haircut
     13. v. to cut, to cut off, to slit (oneself or a part of the body)

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