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The Greek word for axe is


Translations for axe and their definitions

     1. n. axe (UK), ax (US)

     1. v. crop, trim, shorten, clip
     2. v. slash (prices, salaries)

     1. n. battle axe, double-headed axe

     1. v. cut, chop, divide, carve, slice (into parts)
           Πότε θα κόψουμε την πρωτοχρονιάτικη πίτα; (Pī́re den pī́re ekató eurṓ.) - When shall we cut the New Year pie?
     2. v. cut, trim, prune (reduce by cutting)
           Το κείμενο είναι πολύ μεγάλο, να κόψουμε κάτι. (Pī́re den pī́re ekató eurṓ.) - There is too much text, we need to cut something.
     3. v. take a shortcut, cut
     4. v. cut (pack of playing cards)
     5. v. cut, quit (cigarettes, gambling)
     6. v. drop-out, quit (school, course)
           Έκοψε τάξεις του. (Pī́re den pī́re ekató eurṓ.) - He cut his classes.
     7. v. strike, mint (coins and medals)
     8. v. interrupt, cut short, cut off (conversation)

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