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French Sentence of the Day


Deux voitures se sont accrochées



     1. num. two
     1. n. plural of voiture
          1. v. to transport
          2. v. to drive, chauffeur (transport by vehicle)
          1. n-f. car (motorized vehicle)
          2. n-f. (historical) car (wheeled vehicle usually pulled by a horse)
          3. n-f. car (wagon)
     1. pron. The third-person reflexive and reciprocal direct and indirect object pronoun.
     2. pron.          (to) himself
     3. pron.          (to) herself
     4. pron.          (to) oneself
     5. pron.          (to) itself
     6. pron.          (to) themselves
     7. pron.          (to) each other
     8. pron. (Louisiana) (The second-person plural reflexive and reciprocal direct and indirect object pronoun.)
     1. v. third-person plural present indicative of être
          1. v. to be
          2. v. (auxiliary) Used to form the perfect and pluperfect tense of (including all reflexive verbs)
          3. v. (semi-auxiliary) to be (Used to form the passive voice)
          4. n-m. being, creature
          5. n-m. being, the state or fact of existence
     1. Participle. feminine plural of accroché
          1. v. to hook, hook up (attach with a hook)
          2. v. to pick up, become attached to
          3. v. to pick up, to come to learn (e.g. a skill)
          4. v. to get, get hold of, obtain something
          5. v. to hang up (the phone) (end a telephone conversation)
          6. v. to get hooked, get addicted
          7. v. to cling onto, hold on to
          8. v. to collide, bump into one another

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